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MoJo JoJo

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Posts posted by MoJo JoJo

  1. So I had found out that falling damage is affected by gravity in MP when I set g_gravity to a low value like 20 and walked off a high ledge and took no damage, where as I set it to a high value like 5000 and walked off an obstacle about box sized and took like 12 damage. Obviously it doesn't work this way in SP, however I had come across PM_CrashLandDelta were falling damage is reduced if there's standing water and directly above it there was another commented out PM_CrashLandDelta were there was actually some code that scaled the damage by calculating the velocity on landing just as I saw in PM_CrashLand in the MP code. This change seemed easy at first, the problem is, is that the commented out PM_CrashLandDelta has 5 different arguments and the current one only has two. The current on is PM_CrashLandDelta( vec3_t prev_vel, int waterlevel ) and the commented out one is PM_CrashLandDelta( vec3_t org, vec3_t prevOrg, vec3_t prev_vel, float grav, int waterlevel ). prev_vel and int waterlevel are the only two that the current one has and I don't know how to get the other three in function. I don't know where they need to be in order for it to work correctly. If anyone knows a way to do this help would be appreciated, thanks in advance for any answers.


    Hmm, I probably should've posted this on a different board such as Coding and Scripts rather than Modding Assistance.

    Asgarath83 likes this
  2. First off I'm just gonna say that I can't even see a way around being able to do this because I can't seem to find what and where the bit of code is that makes the force powers you select on one side go to zero when you switch to the other in the force power selection menu, is anyone able to help me out with this because this is really difficult. Thanks for any answers in advance! :)


    Oh never mind, I just commented out like 3 segments of code: two of them being in bg_misc.c and the other one in ui_force.c, wasn't hard at all. So now I am finally able to select dark and light powers now. Yay!


    P.S. No answers needed (obviously).

  3. Yes, I'm pretty sure it is the first number of NPCs that it loads on the map, as you'll sometimes find it stops working with one bunch of NPCs, and then continues working with another few. So it's not that you've hit the cap as a player. Reloading the level produces exactly the same result with the same NPCs, so the behaviour is consistent. The first number of NPCs loaded are dismember-enabled, and the rest is treated standard.


    What you're proposing does sound useful. We shouldn't have to change the game's code to set how many NPCs can fall apart in the game. This would be a useful update to OpenJK, but we have to be careful, as this hardcoded setting has been a part of the game since the beginning, and any changes to it will need to be tested thoroughly.

    It's not only the first 16, it's 16 at any time as long as there aren't already to many entities. That's why when you're playing an SP campaign level it won't work most of the time because there are already so many entities.


    When you're in a small map like mp/duel1 where there's hardly any entities at all, like if you spawn a bunch of stormtroopers, like 30, only 16 of them will dismember and the others won't. When all of the dead bodies have cleared up then it'll work again except for the last 14 that you spawn in the group of 30 that you made, but any others that you spawn after the clear up will dismember.

    Cerez likes this
  4. The way I changed it was through changing the MAX_SABER_VICTIMS from 16 to 32 and more of them were able to be diced, but it doesn't have to be 32, it can be a higher number if desired. It wasn't necessary for JK2 or JAMP because dismemberment always works regardless of the saber victims limit. I tried making the limit Q3_INFINITE and boy was the lag enormous! :mellow:

  5. Yeah that was the error I saw as you stated. It was something about ent->max_health being not being defined, which is why it can't be fixed. Sorry if I committed any offense, I'll do better next time.


    BTW, it seems that I never knew there were different forums on this sight until just recently, so all this time I've been posting things in the OpenJK forum when they really should've been in another forum like the coding and scripts forum. I'm new to this sight, so I thought that the OpenJK forum was the only place I could post things like this.

  6. Hey, it's actually a topic about something else other than dismemberment like the previous 4 topics I've made, and someday I'll actually post topics about important problems rather than silly little things, but anyway back to the real "problem": I've seen things in the MP code relating to the undying cheat that was never usable I guess because raven never made a console cheat code for it, which I've fixed. The cheat actually does work now except I'm trying to find a way to make it to where you have 999 health points when you activate it like in SP mode. I tried to do it the same way as I saw it in the SP code but errors came up during compilation. How can this be done in the MP code since it's has a different code language than SP?


    Oh yeah, this was made right before I saw the "Please Read Before Posting" post that eezstreet made, so I have no idea if this is against those standards or not.

  7. It's not a problem really, I mean it's just one of those things that kinda bug you because you can never find a way around it or figure out whats whats causing it. As for the MAX_PATCH_PLANES error I've really never noticed it except one time when trying to load the helms deep map for MP.

  8. I have looked at the MAX_SABER_VICTIMS in JASP, JAMP, and JK2SP and it's set to 16 in all three, and it only affects the number of NPCs that can be dismembered at one time in JASP. In the other two games you can endlessly dismember bodies regardless of the MAX_SABER_VICTIMS limit. Yes I know dismemberment has not changed, otherwise I wouldn't have pointed it out.

  9. If there is a "MAX_SABER_VICTIMS" define in JASP along with JAMP and JK2SP why is it affecting the number of "victims" that can be dismembered in JASP, like what I had mentioned before? Could it be the way it's being compiled from the newer compilers, or perhaps is this caused by the same thing that make certain maps not work and give out a "MAX_PATCH_PLANES" error on some maps? I figured maybe you'd know, it just doesn't make any sense to me.

  10. The give all console command doesn't give all force powers though, I have been trying to find a way to select dark and light powers in the force power selection menu in MP. I have a DX force mod that allows you to have light and dark powers but it doesn't work with OpenJK.

  11. I use windows 7 64 bit. And I'm pretty sure my build is 64 bit, however resolutions don't really even matter because MP won't even get to the main screen without crashing first, I mean as soon as I click openjk.x86 in the gamedata folder and it tries to start up, boom... It crashes, won't even load past that point, and it will happen on a custom compile or a buildbot build and it's only the newest build that does that. All the other builds before it don't do that.

    For further notice I have put everything where it's supposed to be.

  12. I cleaned everything out of the base folder except the assets0-3 files and started it up without any cfg files written in it, however I didn't try running as an administrator but I'm sure it would still crash even if did.

    Whoops another typo!


    It would probably still crash even if I did run it as an administrator.

  13. The title is pretty self explanatory, whenever I try to start up MP it instantly crashes. A window comes up saying "OpenJK Multiplayer has stopped working". At least SP starts up normally before it decides to crash from fighting forceusers. Damnit!

  14. Okay! I just found out the problem and it's actually not a problem, because there's a define in wp_saber.cpp in the jedi academy code and I found a "define MAX_SABER_VICTIMS 16" in it. meaning that I could only dismember 16 at a time in a map if there are only a few entities. I extended it to 32 and I was able to slice and dice more of them up. It seems that Cerez was correct, it IS a programmed cap but it was always in there from the beginning. Even the jedi outcast code had it but it was never active. So there you go. HECTIC MYSTERY SOLVED!!! :)

    Cerez and Xycaleth like this
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