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Posts posted by DEVISS

  1. Doing pretty good, Deviss! Just have been taking a tiny break from Designated Days (getting back to doing it now - have a test map going) and Operation Flashpoint. :) Glad you're doing stuff in this community! Looking forward to more releases here. :D How about yourself?

    cool me too, maybe i could help you with some models :) , misa still working on clonewarsextended mod




  2. an update, click image for the full album



    did some optimization to reduce the vert&tri count aswell as started on new effects, looking for good blaster sounds atm so if you have something, let me know!

    wow very realistic weapon , you got better than "SoM3's DC-15 Carbine" :D , also great 65th homeworld security clone skin :D

  3. Here you are guys, as promised - the Kualan Mega Pack.


    Bear in mind, most (if not all) of these models are WIP and in their raw /model folder format, so don't expect anything too sharply polished or perfect. Everything I've put in this thread should be in there with a few exceptions - models using SWTOR heads (because I'm still uncertain about sharing meshes from that property) and the Captain Phasma model (as I intend to give that a full, proper Hub release).


    Let me know if anything is missing - I'm pretty sure all the file paths are correct:



    amazing work sir !!

    yeyo JK likes this
  4. 3 new ones


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    cool another character for federation :D

    Jeff likes this
  5. Got partway through the process of tidying up the files when I got distracted by updating the Neimoidians I released awhile ago:






    That's the Episode III versions of Nute Gunray and Rune Haako, alongside a Neimoidian Guard - the latter is a combination of @@Jeff 's model and my own adjustments.

    great work, thanks to you bf2 have neimodian for cis :D

    Kualan likes this
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