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Everything posted by UniqueOne

  1. Initial implementation of night sky, and day to night transitioning. Still some minor bugs, but it's functioning
  2. I will just use this thread to post random pics from stuff we have been doing. These are fairly recent pics at the time of posting, but not always the latest builds. I won't bother giving much info about the pics, they are just random screenshots I take while working on stuff (that I think are perrty). I can provide more info if anyone asks though. On an unrelated note, we could always use help with the mod. PM Stoiss or Me if you are interested. You can also contact us on discord #warzone channel. Procedural geometry and large map support pics.
  3. Hmm not quite true. The idea is we will spawn semi-random events and quests all over the map, so you would not be running single player binaries, but it will be almost completely (other then possibly the hardest events) playable as a single player game if you want to. Think MMO style questing with randomized quests - you can do them solo, or join with others, its up to you.
  4. Oh wow. Just looked at that map very similar to the look we are aiming for with worlds. You definately could could use wzmap to enhance it a lot - we even have some nice pine tree assets to use. I believe it is possible to export parts of a map from radiant to model files? Some of the components of that map would be very handy for procedural geometry system (mushrooms, ruins, etc) if they can be exported. in fact, instead of improving the current map, you might be better off exporting these components, and making a giant map with wzmap using some of the original assets and some of ours. FYI: The pic above is just a basic large terrain with everything else added being procedural by wzmap, you can literally make multiple maps in an hour if you just want basic wilderness.
  5. Yeah, nearly all basejka content will work in warzone as I added some basic conversion systems. They are not perfect, but they do the job. Warzone is a mod and a modified engine as well, we have also modified the saber system a little, and added a bunch of new weapons (currently mostly a WIP). We are trying to make JKA somewhat 2017 Where warzone will differ from JKA mostly is we are moving away from small maps, and trying to create worlds, where we can have a mini-mmo/skyrim/etc type open world game (side note: we already have the ability to spawn thousands of NPCs onto a map without lag). But at the moment most of the focus of the project is on the basics like allowing for the big maps, and making the renderer look good. The WzMap compiler that you used is based around allowing these large worlds, and more importantly to us, to procedurally add geometry to maps (trees, cliffs, platforms, random misc models, towns, etc) without having to manually place everything. It allows us to generate a lot of maps fairly quickly (or to enhance maps with trees, etc).
  6. I added a check in that code in the only place I can see it use unchecked values, and updated the copy of WzMap.exe on our repo, see if that helps.
  7. Hmm thats definately an app crash. I might need to debug it to work out what's happening. Any chance you could send me the .map file? You don't need sound to use discord, I just use text chat. If you want to join, just mute your sound.
  8. Does is give any error in the window, or does the program crash completely? I will be in #warzone on discord for a while if you want to chat there. It would make things faster to get it fixed
  9. Guess while i'm here, I should post another <mapname>.climate file showing some of the newer options of wzmap. WzMap can now procedurally add ledges and city objects (objects near a specified point) to a map. The ini should be pretty self explanitory. [GENERAL] // Force WzMap to generate all models as meta surfaces... Much slower compiled, but better? forcedModelMeta=0 caulkifyCrap=1 [GRASS] grassImage0=models/warzone/foliage/maingrass2 grassImage1=models/warzone/foliage/maingrass3 grassImage2=models/warzone/foliage/maingrass4 seaGrassImage=models/warzone/foliage/seagrass [CLIFFS] // Use the system that applies procedural cliff geometry to the map... addCliffFaces=1 // Use the low poly cliff models only... cheapCliffs=0 // Scale cliff sizes by this value... cliffFacesScale=1.0 // Only scale the cliff's X and Y axis (horizontal)... cliffScaleOnlyXY=0 // Cliff face addition cull distance modifier (multiplier of distance from another to not add a new cliff)... cliffFacesCullScale=0.0 // Replace texture of the cliff faces with this one... Can use splat maps with warzone... cliffShader=textures/scarif/cliff [LEDGES] // Use the system that applies procedural ledge geometry to the map... addLedgeFaces=1 // Scale ledge sizes by this value... ledgeFacesScale=1.4 // Ledge addition cull distance modifier (multiplier of distance from another to not add a new ledge)... ledgeFacesCullScale=3.0 // Minimum and maximum terrain angles that are ok to add ledges for... ledgeMinSlope=12.0 ledgeMaxSlope=43.0 // Replace texture of the ledge faces with this one (generally should match your basic ground shader)... Can use splat maps with warzone... ledgeShader=textures/scarif/sand [CITY] // Coordinates of the center of the city... //cityLocationX=-12657 //cityLocationY=-12751 //cityLocationZ=1781 // Radius around the center to add buildings... //cityRadius=8192.0 // Coordinates of the center of the second city... //city2LocationX=-25128 //city2LocationY=25630 //city2LocationZ=2599 // Radius around the third city center to add buildings... //city2Radius=2048.0 // Coordinates of the center of the second city... //city3LocationX=11072 //city3LocationY=25210 //city3LocationZ=2384 // Radius around the third city center to add buildings... //city3Radius=1300.0 // Over-all building scale multiplier... cityScaleMultiplier=1.0 // Cliff face cull radius (don't add object within this radius of a cliff)... cliffFacesCullScale=0.75 // Per-building model filenames... //cityModel0=models/warzone/tatooine/cantina.md3 //cityModel1=models/map_objects/desert/landing_light.md3 //cityModel2=models/map_objects/desert/landing_light.md3 //cityModel3=models/map_objects/desert/landing_light.md3 //cityModel4=models/map_objects/desert/landing_light.md3 //cityModel5=models/map_objects/desert/landing_light.md3 //cityModel6=models/map_objects/desert/landing_light.md3 //cityModel7=models/map_objects/desert/landing_light.md3 //cityModel8=models/map_objects/desert/landing_light.md3 //cityModel9=models/map_objects/desert/landing_light.md3 //cityModel10=models/map_objects/desert/landing_light.md3 //cityModel11=models/map_objects/desert/landing_light.md3 //cityModel12=models/map_objects/desert/landing_light.md3 //cityModel13=models/warzone/tatooine/tatooinebuilding01.md3 //cityModel14=models/warzone/tatooine/tatooinebuilding02.md3 //cityModel15=models/warzone/tatooine/tatooinebuilding03.md3 //cityModel16=models/warzone/tatooine/tatooinebuilding04.md3 //cityModel17=models/warzone/tatooine/tatooinebuilding05.md3 //cityModel18=models/warzone/tatooine/tatooinebuilding06.md3 //cityModel19=models/map_objects/desert/landing_light.md3 // Per-building model scales... cityScale0=0.5 cityScale1=0.333 cityScale2=0.333 cityScale3=0.333 cityScale4=0.333 cityScale5=0.333 cityScale6=0.333 cityScale7=0.333 cityScale8=0.333 cityScale9=0.333 cityScale10=0.333 cityScale11=0.333 cityScale12=0.333 cityScale13=1.0 cityScale14=3.0 cityScale15=1.0 cityScale16=1.0 cityScale17=1.0 cityScale18=1.25 cityScale19=0.333 // Per-building vertical offsets... //cityZoffset0=5.25 cityZoffset0=8.5 cityZoffset1=8.0 cityZoffset2=8.0 cityZoffset3=8.0 cityZoffset4=8.0 cityZoffset5=8.0 cityZoffset6=8.0 cityZoffset7=8.0 cityZoffset8=8.0 cityZoffset9=8.0 cityZoffset10=8.0 cityZoffset11=8.0 cityZoffset12=8.0 cityZoffset13=-36.0 cityZoffset14=-96.0 cityZoffset15=-36.0 cityZoffset16=-36.0 cityZoffset17=-36.0 cityZoffset18=-48.0 cityZoffset19=8.0 // Only allow this type on slopes less steep then this... cityForcedMaxAngle0=0.1 cityForcedMaxAngle1=16.0 cityForcedMaxAngle2=16.0 cityForcedMaxAngle3=16.0 cityForcedMaxAngle4=16.0 cityForcedMaxAngle5=16.0 cityForcedMaxAngle6=16.0 cityForcedMaxAngle7=16.0 cityForcedMaxAngle8=16.0 cityForcedMaxAngle9=16.0 cityForcedMaxAngle10=16.0 cityForcedMaxAngle11=16.0 cityForcedMaxAngle12=16.0 cityForcedMaxAngle13=1.0 cityForcedMaxAngle14=6.0 cityForcedMaxAngle15=1.0 cityForcedMaxAngle16=1.0 cityForcedMaxAngle17=1.0 cityForcedMaxAngle18=1.25 cityForcedMaxAngle19=16.0 // Always force a buffer of this radius around the object... cityForcedBufferDistance0=768.0 cityForcedBufferDistance1=256.0 cityForcedBufferDistance2=256.0 cityForcedBufferDistance3=256.0 cityForcedBufferDistance4=256.0 cityForcedBufferDistance5=256.0 cityForcedBufferDistance6=256.0 cityForcedBufferDistance7=256.0 cityForcedBufferDistance8=256.0 cityForcedBufferDistance9=256.0 cityForcedBufferDistance10=256.0 cityForcedBufferDistance11=256.0 cityForcedBufferDistance12=256.0 cityForcedBufferDistance13=1024.0 cityForcedBufferDistance14=1500.0 cityForcedBufferDistance15=1024.0 cityForcedBufferDistance16=1500.0 cityForcedBufferDistance17=1500.0 cityForcedBufferDistance18=1024.0 cityForcedBufferDistance19=64.0 // Never place another of the same object within this radius... cityForcedDistanceFromSame0=0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame1=256.0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame2=256.0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame3=256.0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame4=256.0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame5=256.0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame6=256.0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame7=256.0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame8=256.0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame9=256.0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame10=256.0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame11=256.0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame12=256.0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame13=0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame14=1500.0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame15=0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame16=0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame17=0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame18=1200.0 cityForcedDistanceFromSame19=1400.0 // Force full solidity on this object (1 still culls tiny surfaces. 2 disabled all culling)... cityForcedFullSolid0=1 cityForcedFullSolid1=2 cityForcedFullSolid2=2 cityForcedFullSolid3=2 cityForcedFullSolid4=2 cityForcedFullSolid5=2 cityForcedFullSolid6=2 cityForcedFullSolid7=2 cityForcedFullSolid8=2 cityForcedFullSolid9=2 cityForcedFullSolid10=2 cityForcedFullSolid11=2 cityForcedFullSolid12=2 cityForcedFullSolid13=1 cityForcedFullSolid14=1 cityForcedFullSolid15=1 cityForcedFullSolid16=1 cityForcedFullSolid17=1 cityForcedFullSolid18=1 cityForcedFullSolid19=1 overrideShader0= overrideShader1= overrideShader2= overrideShader3= overrideShader4= overrideShader5= overrideShader6= overrideShader7= overrideShader8= overrideShader9= overrideShader10= overrideShader11= overrideShader12= overrideShader13= overrideShader14= overrideShader15= overrideShader16= overrideShader17= overrideShader18= overrideShader19= cityCentralOneOnly0=1 cityCentralOneOnly1=1 cityCentralOneOnly2=1 cityCentralOneOnly3=1 cityCentralOneOnly4=1 cityCentralOneOnly5=1 cityCentralOneOnly6=1 cityCentralOneOnly7=1 cityCentralOneOnly8=1 cityCentralOneOnly9=1 cityCentralOneOnly10=1 cityCentralOneOnly11=1 cityCentralOneOnly12=1 cityCentralOneOnly13=0 cityCentralOneOnly14=0 cityCentralOneOnly15=0 cityCentralOneOnly16=0 cityCentralOneOnly17=0 cityCentralOneOnly18=0 cityCentralOneOnly19=0 [TREES] // Over-all tree scale multiplier... treeScaleMultiplier=1.0 // What percentage of the trees should we actually use? (Uses randomness to select - Handy to create groups of trees) treeAssignPercent=35 // Cliff face cull radius (don't add object within this radius of a cliff)... cliffFacesCullScale=0.75 // Per-tree model filenames... treeModel0=models/warzone/trees/scarifpalmsmall01.md3 treeModel1=models/warzone/trees/scarifpalmsmall02.md3 treeModel2=models/warzone/trees/scarifpalmsmall01.md3 treeModel3=models/warzone/trees/scarifpalmsmall02.md3 treeModel4=models/warzone/trees/scarifpalm01.md3 treeModel5=models/warzone/trees/scarifpalm02.md3 treeModel6=models/warzone/trees/scarifpalm03.md3 treeModel7=models/warzone/trees/scarifpalm04.md3 treeModel8=models/warzone/trees/scarifpalm01.md3 treeModel9=models/warzone/trees/scarifpalm02.md3 treeModel10=models/warzone/trees/scarifpalm03.md3 treeModel11=models/warzone/trees/scarifpalm04.md3 treeModel12=models/warzone/trees/scarifpalm01.md3 treeModel13=models/warzone/trees/scarifpalm02.md3 treeModel14=models/warzone/trees/scarifpalm03.md3 treeModel15=models/warzone/trees/scarifpalm04.md3 // Per-tree vertical offsets... treeZoffset0=-32.0 treeZoffset1=-32.0 treeZoffset2=-32.0 treeZoffset3=-32.0 treeZoffset4=-32.0 treeZoffset5=-32.0 treeZoffset6=-32.0 treeZoffset7=-32.0 treeZoffset8=-48.0 treeZoffset9=-48.0 treeZoffset10=-48.0 treeZoffset11=-48.0 treeZoffset12=-64.0 treeZoffset13=-64.0 treeZoffset14=-64.0 treeZoffset15=-64.0 // Per-tree model scales... treeScale0=2.0 treeScale1=2.0 treeScale2=2.0 treeScale3=2.0 treeScale4=1.0 treeScale5=1.0 treeScale6=1.0 treeScale7=1.0 treeScale8=2.0 treeScale9=2.0 treeScale10=2.0 treeScale11=2.0 treeScale12=4.0 treeScale13=4.0 treeScale14=4.0 treeScale15=4.0 // Only allow this type on slopes less steep then this... treeForcedMaxAngle0=0.0 treeForcedMaxAngle1=0.0 treeForcedMaxAngle2=0.0 treeForcedMaxAngle3=0.0 treeForcedMaxAngle4=0.0 treeForcedMaxAngle5=0.0 treeForcedMaxAngle6=0.0 treeForcedMaxAngle7=0.0 treeForcedMaxAngle8=0.0 treeForcedMaxAngle9=0.0 treeForcedMaxAngle10=0.0 treeForcedMaxAngle11=0.0 treeForcedMaxAngle12=0.0 treeForcedMaxAngle13=0.0 treeForcedMaxAngle14=0.0 treeForcedMaxAngle15=0.0 // Always force a buffer of this radius around the object... treeForcedBufferDistance0=64.0 treeForcedBufferDistance1=64.0 treeForcedBufferDistance2=64.0 treeForcedBufferDistance3=64.0 treeForcedBufferDistance4=64.0 treeForcedBufferDistance5=64.0 treeForcedBufferDistance6=64.0 treeForcedBufferDistance7=64.0 treeForcedBufferDistance8=64.0 treeForcedBufferDistance9=64.0 treeForcedBufferDistance10=64.0 treeForcedBufferDistance11=64.0 treeForcedBufferDistance12=64.0 treeForcedBufferDistance13=64.0 treeForcedBufferDistance14=64.0 treeForcedBufferDistance15=64.0 // Never place another of the same object within this radius... treeForcedDistanceFromSame0=0.0 treeForcedDistanceFromSame1=0.0 treeForcedDistanceFromSame2=0.0 treeForcedDistanceFromSame3=0.0 treeForcedDistanceFromSame4=4096.0 treeForcedDistanceFromSame5=4096.0 treeForcedDistanceFromSame6=4096.0 treeForcedDistanceFromSame7=4096.0 treeForcedDistanceFromSame8=4096.0 treeForcedDistanceFromSame9=4096.0 treeForcedDistanceFromSame10=4096.0 treeForcedDistanceFromSame11=4096.0 treeForcedDistanceFromSame12=8192.0 treeForcedDistanceFromSame13=8192.0 treeForcedDistanceFromSame14=8192.0 treeForcedDistanceFromSame15=8192.0 // Force full solidity on this object (still culls tiny surfaces)... treeForcedFullSolid0=0 treeForcedFullSolid1=0 treeForcedFullSolid2=0 treeForcedFullSolid3=0 treeForcedFullSolid4=0 treeForcedFullSolid5=0 treeForcedFullSolid6=0 treeForcedFullSolid7=0 treeForcedFullSolid8=0 treeForcedFullSolid9=0 treeForcedFullSolid10=0 treeForcedFullSolid11=0 treeForcedFullSolid12=0 treeForcedFullSolid13=0 treeForcedFullSolid14=0 treeForcedFullSolid15=0 overrideShader0= overrideShader1= overrideShader2= overrideShader3= overrideShader4= overrideShader5= overrideShader6= overrideShader7= overrideShader8= overrideShader9= overrideShader10= overrideShader11= overrideShader12= overrideShader13= overrideShader14= overrideShader15=
  10. We could sure use a mapper . God knows i'm not one, yet i'm doing all our maps.
  11. The versions posted on here are fairly old and may have been compiled with intel c++, so that may be the reason you crashed (if you have an amd cpu). The latest version (no longer using intel c++) is available on our assets repo, in this folder (the only file you should actually need if you downloaded the older version is WzMap.exe): https://github.com/Stoiss/WZassets/tree/master/WARZONE_TEST_BUILD/WzMap
  12. The main reason is because for them to use vehicles, you also need vehicle paths and path finding. They also need to know how to handle the vehicle. The warzone mod will have some vehicle AI in the future (it already has currently disabled code for generating vehicle paths).
  13. A scarif map? You mean something like this?
  14. The mods would need to be compiled with the warzone engine code to work. We extended the max players limit to 128 and the max entities limit to 2048.
  15. A couple of weeks ago I added a cartoon mode cvar for the fun of it. I guess I should post a few screenshots. The mode is enabled using r_cartoon 1 - basic cartoon mode with no black lines on edges. 2 - above plus black edge lines. 3 - above plus paint effect (not worth the FPS in my opinion). (I won't bother with screenshots of r_cartoon 3 because I didn't take any screenshots and I doubt anyone will use it anyway) It requires nothing other then to enable the cvar. r_cartoon 1 r_cartoon 2
  16. I guess, as long as you use very small splashes or make them fully procedural and 3D. You don't want a 2D splash hitting the top of a signpost and creating a big flat splash, it would look unnatural. One advantage of traces is you can skip past small objects easily. Anyway I just thought I would point out that I already made a system for mapping surfaces of the map to images for whatever needs (which I currently am not using for anything myself). How is the FPS of the rain when you add alpha channel textures for them? Also, I wonder if (instead of static shaders or glsl procedural effects) the raindrops and splashes would be best done by pre-recording efx system scripts at map start (into animated image maps), which may not look as good, but would probably be good for JKA modders and make the whole system very easy to customize. I guess another option is to allow loading custom glsl files for the system, which is a better option, but requires modders to learn new stuff. The only other option is preset weather systems, which is pretty limiting.
  17. I foresee issues with using depth maps, you might be better off using a modified version of this code i made to generate heightmaps for wz. https://github.com/Stoiss/Rend2/blob/rend2/codemp/rd-warzone/tr_mapping.cpp#L747 Then you can use material types to work out stuff like water hits, etc, and it makes it a bit easier to skip translucent objects and stuff. You simply have more info to make use of via traces. That would give you a map of surface positions for each map point using a single image (the other 3 colors in the texture could be used for material and 2 other useful position infos). A heightmap can be useful for other stuff too. You are also however going to need a positionmap for the screen, but thats a good thing, its a start to moving rend2 to deferred to get that FPS up on detailed maps.
  18. If you have source code to FBX2GLM, could that code be added into the GLM loading code and load FBX itself? Since from what your saying, it has the original tangent info. Still not sure what you would do with MD3 and BSP though...
  19. It seems to me that if 3d soft can generate tangents, then why can't you do the same in the renderer code (surely there is an opensource engine that has code already to do this), just make the current method better? Then the new system could be used for all game objects, so that they all match. If tangents on walls look different to tangents on md3's which look different to tangents on glm's, what is gained? I think you guys need to look at the bigger picture and create 1 good system for everything.
  20. Warzone weather system uses efx files. It's not a glsl system though, it creates the weather in cgame, but its very customizable. I decided that trying to do it with glsl just wasnt worth the effort of working out indoor/outdoor, it was simple in cgame. It could do splashes easilly (actually it originally did), but i disabled the splashes because they require traces for the ground surface for each particle. GLSL could do it faster, but im not sure how xycaleth is going to handle the indoor/outdoor and collision checking that late in the frame.
  21. The answer to the format seems pretty simple to me, if you don't want a new model format, but you could have a new extension like "modelname.glx" when rend2 goes to load a glm with the extension ".glx" load the tangents instead of generating them. It could search for .glx then fall back to .glm when not found (like is done with image loading). The questions I have, though, are: 1. Will these baked tangents become meaningless if you add tesselation/displacement (which I assume you are going to want, if you want > HL2 rendering)? Since the surfaces all get changed. 2. I know from experience that as soon as you enable rend2 features, your FPS is going to drop to hell. I suggest you move to deferred lighting now. Do calculation on final screen pixels, not all the extra stuff it stomps over during render... or get occlusion culling working - something I have not been able to make work. (also warzone has a mini lightall glsl called shadowpass that it uses for depth and shadow renders, look at it, switch to it during those passes and you will gain a lot of FPS as the scene gets more complex). 3. What about maps? What's the point in having crazy detailed models when the maps themselves are not detailed. If the model format is going to get this sort of update, then the map format needs a massive update or it just wont look right. 4. Have any of the other projects around, that are based on rend2 or xreal, added a newer model format with tangents (new doom/Q4/whatever formats)? Maybe converting skeletal animations data is easier then changing glm - and you might get access to better 3d tools/exporters? I am all for updating anything in the engine and renderer, its time we moved into this centry, something I've been trying to do alone now for the last 3/4 years with no opengl experience at all before starting. I do wonder, however, if worrying about tangents on one model format is like building the top of the sky scraper first. Maybe, just maybe, it would be better to just make the current tangent generator code a little better in the renderer, and come back to this later on? All that said, I like what you guys are doing here. Makes me happy to see others seriously working on the renderer.
  22. Looks like exactly what is needed. If I am able to make it work or not, is another story hehe.
  23. I think JKG changed their API, so I doubt it. But you could try it.
  24. Yeah. All lighting in wz is done deferred, but the code will work fine with forward rendering. Just need to do the final code snippet earlier.
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