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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. I have tested it, it is fine now. And if I get approval from a Moderator, I may have the perfect saber to go with this character. All in good time.
  2. I don't know, it works fine for me it switches between fast strong etc and even changes the stance. I think you may have a conflicting pk3 somewhere in your base folder perhaps.. for me it works in singleplayer on normal JKA I am not using OpenJK or JA+ or anything just regular game. And it only changes for me when I have my saber activated.
  3. I'm not sure about Zefilus but I would love to see the concept version! (the one from the first main post).
  4. I will summon @@Rooxon to help with this, since he has a great hilt here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2204-qvtm-saber/ I'm sure he could extend the length to suit the image!
  5. I do like the red blade you have made, it is nice! However the TFU blade.... I saw your screenshot of them both together... the red has a more low glow where the white glow is far too much.. maybe theres a way to decrease the amount of glow? so it looks like a white version of the red saber glow less strong
  6. There is no problem with that, use the command saberAttackCycle 0 it will change the style for you. I use it all the time I binded it to letter Z.
  7. This is a nice map, but I have some feedback! Everything works lovely, the textures the music etc. The only problem for me is, when you go to the Emperors Throne, and press the USE button, it spawns his chair but it is not solid at all, you can walk straight through it! it may be a good idea to make that object solid. Also by having a battle in the very same area, using force push on my emperor NPC pushed him into the wall! I mean he was half in the wall and half out, I had to use force pull to get him out of there lol The wall he got stuck in was below the stairs of the throne area on the left side but that is all I can find, everything else is perfect
  8. Just uploaded my second mod. I hope it gets some love!

    1. z3filus


      Looks sweet ingame :)

  9. 21,788 downloads

    *********************************** Read me *********************************** TITLE: 28 New Saber Colors AUTHOR: Arachno-Man FILENAME: 28colors.pk3 FILESIZE: 891 bytes DATE RELEASED: February, 24 2015 CREDITS to: just my self since this is a small mod INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: place the 28colors.PK3 file in you C:\programfiles\lucasarts\jediacademy\gamedata\base directory. DESCRIPTION: 28 new saber colors to select at any time! Included is an image with each saber command, for example if you want to use the first color on the list type "saber saber_1000" into your jedi academy console. Each color has its own number for easy selection BUGS: none at all. COMMENTS: Download and enjoy. note that you must have JKA installed in order to use this mod and you may want to print out the image provided to know what colors you want to use at any time. THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  10. Yeah i'm saying about SP, seems to have that issue.
  11. Would someone fix this model up? http://www.moddb.com/games/star-wars-jedi-academy/addons/terentanak It is supposed to replace the rancor but it doesn't hit anyone or eat anyone. It needs fixing for this. Thanks!
  12. How do I change the color of the glow from a saber that reflects on the ground? When you have saber active there will be a glow of the saber color on the ground, I want to change that and also how do I alter the color of the saber trails? P.S. RGB color picker is no use to me, are there any files the ground glow/saber trail uses that I can edit?
  13. It appears the v2 of your unstable saber hasn't been approved yet, may I get an external download?
  14. Comparing it to this Eh... it's a moot point, I think she looks good in both but the realistic version is better leg shape.
  15. Nooo she is not ugly in TFU, TFU is the sexy version! I like this version alot, has to be my favorite female Star Wars character, very unique, would be visually impressive in-game since she is mostly with red skin, she stands out from the rest!
  16. Yes but it is not supposed to be realistic, it's only a game lol Edit: actually a normal diamond clear crystal with a light shine gives a rainbow reflection, just an example lol
  17. Geez sorry for asking, but your blade is cool, I gave it a download so I thank you for that. No rules against good feedback too
  18. I thought it was different, nobody else has made a saber with multiple colors that change when looking from different angles. I have tried to make an animated blade but I have failed. So this was the next best thing. It's not perfect as the sabertrail remains green and I have no clue how to change that, also the glow on the ground (see the screenshot) remains green and I do not know how to alter that.
  19. Holy crap! Excuse my language but if you're going to be involved then I know for sure that this will be amazing
  20. Good idea, I support this, we need more female type characters that are different from the few that are already available. And not sith girls either, just normal jedi girls. But sith are cool too I guess.
  21. Cool man that's your vision I was just trying to be accurate to the source peace
  22. It is cool but compare to this: see how on each side the black cloak on the shoulders are very close to the edge of the light grey armour, and the center gap o the light grey armour is closer together? could be fixed, I will edit your image to show what i mean: Please note my editing skills are not perfect but you see my point!
  23. Hey Ashura, you're pretty hard to get hold of! I was wondering what was the current status on the Felucia map? Source: http://www.moddb.com/mods/jedi-academy-unleashed/images/felucia-map-by-theexile-wip Stated there that you have taken over that project.
  24. That is what i'm looking for, I do not know if there is already a mod that has this feature or not that I could use
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