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Posts posted by Azatha

  1. I'm currently doing a custom lightsaber pack, and I'm on to the part where I add sounds to hilts. Every tutorial I find says you get 3 block sounds, 3 swing sounds, etc. But the base game files have up to 9, and most sound packs I've seen have 9 as well. Can i actually go up to 9, or do I have to choose just three? Will it register more than 3?

  2. I remember there being a pack of lightsabers which contained a big hammer that sent people flying, some very nice katanas, a few hilts, and a specific hilt named Beauty. It's that Beauty hilt I'm after, but I'd love to find the entire pack. Does anyone know which pack I'm talking about, and could help me find it?

  3. Alright, so I found an old copy of Max 8 and the exporter that worked with it. I used Noesis to convert the (original unedited) .glm. First I tried .fbx, but importing that into Max causes Max to crash. I then tried .obj, which imports, but without weights. I don't think that route is going to work for wanting to do this without reweighing the model from scratch.


    Ashura - I could import the .fbx into 3DS Max 2015, but then how do I save the model from 3dmax to .xsi/.glm without an exporter? Am I meant to then use Noesis again to reconvert to .glm?

  4. I wrote a Max8 Maxscript dotXSI Importer script... it works just fine up to Max2012. It imports skin weights. Check it out.


    To import a GLM and preserve skin weights-- use Noesis and then save as another 3D format you can import into your 3D app. Remember the models are scaled down 64%... do you'll need to rescale by 1.5625

    Currently I'm using Max 2015 and unfortunately none of the exporters seem to work for it. I get an error on startup saying the plugin won't be loaded as it's made for an older version.

  5. What is Noesis? A Google search brings up a few different things. Which of your files is the right one? I assume we also need dotXSI? I'd like to give it a try for the time being but might need a bit more explanation, as it's not as straight-forward as using just Blender. The good thing about the Blender plugin is that you don't need multiple programs and conversions to get the job done. Oh, and most important - does it preserve normals?

  6. *pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester pester*



    Vitéz, mrwonko and Cerez like this
  7. I downgraded my Blender plugin to 2.68, imported the original model and exported it. Unfortunately the problem remains. From what I've read in other threads, some people get the issue and some don't. I don't know why, maybe just the way their model is made. But if the plugin itself isn't built to handle normals, it's probably not going to work regardless of version if that particular model gets the problem.

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