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Status Updates posted by RJA

  1. I need help from creators here to my Epic Challenge Mod III. I am searching someone who really know well ho to create UI Menu (I know a bit but it's not sufficient, I need someone who already did it for a mod), a coder and voices acting. If you are interested, give it a try: http://jkhub.org/topic/6536-epic-challenge-mod-iii/?do=findComment&comment=95854

  2. Just noticing that my girlfriend is the first person except me who tests my 50 maps SP mods. If one day I'm single, you'll know why...

    1. Syko


      Sounds like you aren't on good terms with her.

    2. RJA


      I'm in good termes until the day I'll make an impossible map and she will FUUUUU my computer and break all my room...

  3. I like trains.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AshuraDX


      or rather : choo choo MF

    3. Onysfx


      I like trains too. Ever since I played paper mario TTYD and played through the train level, loved them since then.

    4. Barricade24


      "Oh, no, no, no wait..." *hit by train*.

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