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Files posted by arthurlivio

  1. First Jedi Temple

    I'm not an expert in creating maps. But I made an effort to make something that would amuse the players. The map tries to be something like to the First Jedi Temple of Ahch To. I have placed weapons, ammo and health recovery items so that the player can have fun freely. In other maps I tend to do something more RPG-oriented, but this one I tried to avoid that. Unfortunately, no one made perfect maps related to the new Star Wars movies and/or series. That's why I built this map, because of that desire. Thank you all! Have fun.


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  2. Thundrão Jedi Temple

    The Thundrao Jedi Temple map was developed so the player can enjoy a fun and relaxed environment without the usual textures of Yavin or Korriban. Perhaps this is why this map is so different, since it is located in a large city, having a garden in the background. This is practically an original map, made from the beginning. Except for the Bar counter, which is exactly the same as Nar Kreeta = D.
    The map includes:
    - An urban area of ​​street or station.
    - 2 Arenas Dojo.
    - Arena of NPCs.
    - Passage hallway with tables and a bar.
    - A training room with a bridge.
    - A training room with platforms.
    - Dark training room.
    - A meeting hall of the Jedi Council.
    - Jardin outside the hall.
    - Automatic elevators.
    I wish you all a good fun!
    Arthur Lívio
    This is practically an original map, made from the beginning. Except for the Bar counter, which is exactly the same as Nar Kreeta = D.


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