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Everything posted by Petzi

  1. This isn't a release or anything, but there isn't really a proper board for this. So I just came across this JKA mod ("expansion pack") called Knights of the Force, you can check it out here: http://kotf.com/ Apparently it's kind of a big project, with two parts in multiple languages. There's a bunch of videos and mods for it that people made, the site seems to have a lot of content. Though the site is awful and feels like it's ten years old, the last news post is from April 2013 in which the guy says he's cancelling part III because he's become too addicted to the project and that he's deleted all the files permanently. I'm shocked that I've never come across this, was the rest of the community aware that this thing existed? I'm sure some of you knew, because the credits are huge.
  2. The same! Heh, I may only visit every month or so, but I reckon I'll always be around in some way or another =)
  3. Are the official forums gone for good, old Scooper? It's probably for the best to have them housed here on JKHub.
  4. Hi, I'd like this demo from filefront, if you please: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Modwooty_Demo;69492 Time to turn and burn!
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