Version v2
A small mod to change saber stances and other animations. In version 2 I've changed the kick animation a little, so it isn't so fast and has fewer frames. IMO it looks a lot better this way. I've also changed the force jump back sommersault bit. (Hld jump then tap backwards) You probably won't see this happen that often. There is also an "off the wall" animation changed (can't remember if was in 1st version, and if it was then it only worked when kicking off to the left) If you start a wall run then press jump+opposite direction of wall straight away you should see this animation, its a kinda Horisontal spin thing, but it doesn't actually replace the "Kick off" so it don't look silly when you side kick off a player or a wall for that matter. Nothing too great but a change from the normal I think. Also included is the qvm file from the jedimoves20.pk3 made by Master D-Ley Amas. Below is his readme: "Description : *All saber styles are now infinitely chainable (in multiplayer only), giving medium style back it's advantage and giving strong style an added edge. *The dual-bladed saber can now be activated without using cheats in multiplayer, just type "thedestroyer" into the console at any time, or bind it to a key - ex. "bind z thedestroyer", Z being the key you want to use to activate the dual blade. *Dismemberment is now enabled in multiplayer (with the v1.04 code) to enable, type: g_dismember 100 cg_dismember 100 into the console (must be enabled on server to work) (this only needs to be set once) *The moves that have been altered- -roll forward, left, or right: cartwheel -roll backward: butterfly -jump: force jump style instead of pansy normal one -fast saber style: replaced with one-handed (Tavion) style -strong saber style: replaced with one-handed (Desann) style -backstab: all saber styles now do backstab instead of swing back -walk: now walks with saber raised, for effect while dueling -getup: instead of struggling off of the ground, you "force" getup I hope everyone likes this new version, as it was quite a feat on my behalf. I have never looked at (or compiled, for that matter) game source code before I made this mod. For anyone who's wondering, the regular, two-handed saber styles are in the same slots as the one-handeds used to be, so Tavion and Desann now fight two-handed. The reason why saber styles are only infinitely chainable in multiplayer is because Raven has only released the source code for multiplayer, not single player. Until this happens, saber styles will only be infinitely chainable in multiplayer.