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Everything posted by negru_tudor

  1. sweeeeeet !
  2. Lol ) man how come is that so bad? We're on the verge of getting a proper Darth Maul model for JKA (waiting on something like this for YEARS). There's already a shirtless model out there; I'll pm the link to you a tad latter. Go DT85!
  3. Ummm I think DT said he's making the Ep. 1 version so no. But you can always reskin
  4. I don't think anyone thinks you're "a dick" but hey let the man do his thing..I'm sure it will be top notch when out. It already looks tops. I had the same perspective as you and the I realized I had my 16:9 LCD set to 1600 x 1050 anyway, the thing is you can always try to reskin it to adjust if you want I'm anxious to see this one out gonna be one of the best ones out there!
  5. Pure Awesomeness!
  6. wow..he's actually...terrifying ! muhahahaha
  7. I'm pretty sure you'd understand if you'd have a go at it...trust me..been there, failed miserably. major props for these guys over here
  8. *artist @ work* let the man do his thing dawg I'm pretty sure someone else can pick it up after it's released and issue a shirtless version One step at a time...think about it..would you have x versions of this dude with meh quality or just this bad-ass Episode 1 bastard striking terror whilst roaming the streets of Bespin?
  9. That's a very cool mod brings back some nice memories the SP campaign was one of the best in a SW game
  10. This will so rock !
  11. You, Sir, deserve a beer!
  12. Love the nuances on the textures. Feels like Christmas
  13. WoW. Just Wow
  14. LoL biker outfit it is then
  15. Thx man take your time I know this will be good when it's done!
  16. Hey DT85, Anymore screenshots for your loyal subjects following this?
  17. Hmmm..about that cheek bone..it could be just the ear throwing me off there..
  18. Wow! Spot on Chalk! Lower part of the ears maybe doesn't need to stick out that much and maybe (just maybe) the cheek bone underneath the outside corners of the eyes is slightly bumped (just slightly)...but in all fairness, well done buddy!!
  19. I know what you mean man Trust me, a lot of people are really into this one and follow it very close but if Chalk feels he needs a rest / some time away from it then maybe that;s the best idea. Sometimes, you get more sh!t sorted in 1 hour with a clear mind than you would in an entire week whilst burnt out.
  20. Looks amazing!
  21. hmm..might be but it looks very close to the guy who played Maul http://www.celebritiesfans.com/media/pictures/ray_park.jpg I'm sure once this gets textured, it's gonna be pretty much close to da muvi
  22. looking good very much looking forward to this one
  23. yeah and the beauty about it is that there's no sarcasm whatsoever )
  24. makes perfect sense we'll try to come with suggestions as this goes along. now go and be a good daddy !
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