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Everything posted by Miha

  1. The fact that they are calling the movie that is supposedly come out in 2005 makes it seem to me that bad things are about to happen. Truth be told, George Lucas already more or less effed it up with the prequel trilogy, the dialogues, the changed view of The Force (from something spiritual to something chemical). In some way, now that it has been a day since I read the news (truly, yesterday I wanted for all at Disney and George Lucas to die), this might be good - however it might be bad as well. It all depends in what direction Disney will want to go with this. True, they didn't screw up Marvel Entertainment, the movies are still solid, and Pixar is still Pixar, however, as I mentioned before - it is the name Star Wars Episode 7-9 that is bothering me. There has been so much done already with the era between 1 - 6 episodes and it has become boring as hell, who cares about the rebels anymore, who cares about the same old characters. Now it seems they want to take it further. No, no stories about post-Palpatine and death star destruction... PLEASE. If they want to do it, they should do the OLD REPUBLIC. Heck, then they can even go all out and make stories about the Sith instead the Jedi etc. I find the stories set in that era much more interesting (especially the story of Darth Bane >_>... the creator of the Rule of Two). Edit: not to mention I also stopped caring about new Star Wars games a while ago. There hasn't been anything good since the KOTOR games.
  2. Miha


    Greetings, salutations and welcome. Leave your panda at the entrance please - it WILL be taken care of.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvWjn4zBBPs Serdtse - the heart Nebu - the sky From the heart to the sky yay! Sweet, sweet Russian folk metal bands
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zYOw7v6TFE next one not exactly humorous but simply epic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR1rBLUuAOc Edit: Also.. the moment you again realise how much George Lucas fcked it up with Episodes I - II (maybe III as well)
  5. Greetings and salutations, no raging please... domo arigato gozaimasu... *bows* ... now enjoy the cookie monster
  6. Miha

    What's up

    Darn it
  7. Greetings and salutations, most welcome at JKHub!
  8. Miha

    What's up

    Greetings and salutations, BBQ anytime soon?
  9. Greetings and salutations, welcome aboard!
  10. Greetings, salutations, welcome... that is all.
  11. Greetings and salutations, du Wolf du!
  12. Miha

    Ello Mates

    Greetings and salutations. Most welcome to the portal!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpEgQ3b_Ug0
  14. Yea, underwater base maps are always lovely. Would be sweet to have it FFA and DUEL as well though.
  15. Oh yea, a speaking channel would be great. It would be even more awesome if there could be one for say TEAM A and one for TEAM B.
  16. Mmm... the predator game definetly. 1 or 2 predators with cloak capability.... 10 or so imperials... let the slaughter begin.
  17. @CrimsonStrife But... but... it's OPPA GANGMAN STYLE!! *dance*
  18. Edit: now, why isn't here a video?
  19. You have my sword....
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1x7AeEogGM
  21. I just had an idea. Is it possible to somehow highlight the "BEST ANSWER" for these kind of things? It could get frustrating for some people to find it if not. If that makes any sense.
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