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Rosh is my favorite

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    Under Rosh's bed
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    Rosh is our lord and savior.

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  1. Hubbers, I have a new mod idea for you. No, it does not involve Rosh. (Unfortunately.) Take out the "arn" from Katarn. What do you get? Kat. Kyle Kat. "But Rosh! What would the point of a mod be to just take out a few letters?" Oh, silly JKHubber. It's not just taking out letters. It's Kyle, slashing his enemies and using his epic force powers to save the Jedi Academy....AS A CAT. You read that right. Kyle is now a CAT. His model now has whiskers, a tail, and has the hello kitty face polka-dotted all over his clothes. His lightsaber hilt is now a little mini-tail. Replace all of his lines with "MEOOOOWWW". In SP, only replace a part of a sentence with MEOW. Just imagine. *Dark side playthrough* Jaden: "Don't get in my way, Kyle." Kyle: "Jaden, I know the lure of the MEOW side is strong." *Vjun, in front of the garbage shute* Kyle: "Eww, that smell...Oh well. No one said being a MEOW is glamorous." Someone needs to make this. KYLE KAT. Look at this thread http://jkhub.org/topic/2754-iiiiiiiiiits-kyle-kat/ to see pictures. Disclaimer: Pictures may or may not be identical to what the skin should look like. Hint...they're not. At all.
  2. Soon Rosh's voice will be in EVERY GAME EVER MADE, and we will rule the universe.
  3. Jaden and Rosh were on a side of the ship that not many other people were sitting at. If you watch the intro cutscene again, you'll see that there's only 1 other Padawan sitting on that side of the ship. A few are straight up standing, whereas most of the others are sitting on the other side. So when the ship crashed and the hull broke, they jumped out from the nearest hole in the wall, meaning Jaden and Rosh ended up on one side of the river while the rest of the Padawans ended up on the other.
  4. Looks like third time is the charm; everything is good. The only thing that could make this better is if Rosh had 999 health and his volume set to 100% LOL
  5. We'll be arriving at the academy in just a few minutes. I CAN'T HELP IT! I WANT TO MAKE A GOOD IMPRESSION! JADEN HELP! I'M STUCK! Hold on Ro-- MAYBE YOU CAN CUT ONE OF THOSE TREES DOWN TO MAKE A BRIDGE! Okay Rosh I get it, I'm going to-- JADEN HELP!
  6. I'm requesting a certain type of mod. This will not be an easy task. It will take long, hard work, and it will be for a very, very good cause. This mod will be the king of all mods. I request someone to.......................... .......mod Rosh to always speak at 100% volume and be in every single mission with 999 health.
  7. Oh, I guess that explains a lot of the issues. There must be a lot of weird conflicts going on sending stuff from one OS to another. I almost forgot Shadowtroopers had sounds too LOL....they were always so quiet! I only remember they have sounds because I literally just finished a re-playthrough of Outcast. You fixed Desann's sounds, yay! I'm especially happy because I was using another Desann sound mod in the past that had the same bug with his jump sounds and his taunts. This time around, the only error I noticed was that the Shadowtrooper's force gem (the little crystal he drops when he dies in SP) is just 3 RGB lines. Everything else is working properly. Hmm Circa...if you ever need someone to test a mod, I'm your man
  8. Hold on, it seems that cutting the file doesn't work, but copying it does. Also you made a few goofs - You gave the normal Reborn model to the Forceuser, and gave the Force User model to the normal Reborn. EDIT Additionally, the Shadowtrooper in singleplayer appears to have no sounds still. Desann in SP is missing his jump sound, and the different automatic taunts he makes when he gets pushed (you DARE to push ME?). Further, one of his /gloat lines is "Once again, you have failed, Katarn." "Katarn" is cut off of that quote, it ends abruptly after "failed". It's still a nice mod though. Here's hoping for a V2 Also...why did I get an encrypted file named "Restoration" with nothing inside of it?
  9. Same problems again. Trying to move the files, it does a little, then partway through it stops and says "an unexpected error has occurred."
  10. Hooray! I read the description and it says that the old reborn sounds are fixed in MP, but what about SP? Did you edit their NPC sound files to have the original ones, or does it work both ways? I mainly want this for fixed classic reborn sounds in SP. Edit: Shadowtrooper npc's sounds too if it isn't more trouble.
  11. Can't wait! BTW Circa did you figure out why the Ladder map was unmoveable and undeletable?
  12. I'm feeling that JK2 Campaign urge again. It's such a good story and one that I've been with since a very young age. I'm wondering what mods to get before starting it up again to spice up the experience. I currently have: [OE]_blacklight_saber.pk3 (cosmetic saber mod) darkreborn.pk3 (not actually sure what this is) orangeforce.pk3 (orange/golden force effects) zalternate_kyle_sp.pk3 (JK2 version of Boko's Dark Kyle. The JK2 version looks more punk-mercenary like since Kyle is a merc for hire rather than a jedi with inner-peace.) So what do you guys think I should get? I'm starting tonight!
  13. I vote separate. This also gives you an excuse to name the pack "JK2 Choice Return Pack". Or if you want to artificially get more clicks, add the word "Ultimate" somewhere in there. Profit!
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