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Just Rosh going for a walk.
unoservix replied to Rosh is my favorite's topic in Jedi Knight General Discussions
and on the eighth day, God looked down on His planned Star Wars video game and said, "I need a douchebag." so God made Rosh. God said, "I need someone whose very introduction to the player will be so annoying that hours later, they'll turn to the dark side of the Force for the sheer pleasure of murdering him in cold blood." so God made Rosh. God said, "I need someone who's strong enough to be a level boss, but weak enough to get killed by another level boss. Somebody to call a rival, a friend, a villain, an enemy, and an obnoxious boil on the ass of your character. Somebody whose life hangs in the balance when you have to choose between the light and the darkness, and yet if you choose the light, his very survival seems like a tragic mistake." so God made Rosh. God said, "I need someone so irritating that when the light side cutscene plays and Alora chops off his arm instead of his head, the player can only dry their eyes and say, 'Maybe next play-through.' I need somebody who can't swing a lightsaber worth a damn, who needs a couple of creepy twins to make him a threat, who will boss you around and brag to no end, who can't decide which side of the Force he's on, and who keeps using that damn Force Healing if you get far enough away from him. And who, despite his patent inferiority to even your own boring character in every way, is nonetheless supposed to be taken for a rival." so God made Rosh. God had to have somebody who could get himself captured while staring at rocks in a desolate patch of space and yet thought it was a good idea to side with the woman who looks like a confused Xena cosplayer. so God made Rosh. God said, "I need somebody strong enough to maybe match a Shadowtrooper, but weak enough to beat with one lightsaber and some middling Force powers. It had to be somebody that you were meant to both like and hate, but in practice you just hate. Somebody to whine, cry, bitch, moan, throw tantrums and pitch fits and switch sides and finish the whole game's work with a forced lesson about humility and patience. "Somebody who'd always make you feel better about your bland, boring, personality-less character just by the positive comparison of not being as annoying, so that the player, with smiling eyes, will sit back at the end of the game and say, 'At least Jaden wasn't like that.'" so God made Rosh. -
if they keep the same system in which the movies trump everything else, then there wouldn't really be two versions of Star Wars canon, there'd just be the one--and about thirty years' worth of EU material that mostly got thrown into the realm of "non-canon." that sort of happened when Lucas produced the prequels. in EU works that were made before The Phantom Menace came out, there are numerous references to events in the prequels, like the Clone Wars, that wound up getting rendered non-canon because the films themselves contradicted them later on. so if Abrams goes his own way with the new movies, then everything from The Truce at Bakura on would probably meet the same fate one way or another. it wasn't such a big deal when the prequels came out because Star Wars writers tended to avoid that territory in the first place, but they've obviously not avoided writing about what happens after Return of the Jedi. i'm not sure who would really be happy with this, but if they stick with the same system, it's what would happen.
as far as i know, Lucasfilms has an entire staff on hand that decides what gets put into the complicated hierarchy of Star Wars canon. Lucas gets veto power over anything, and whatever he puts in the Star Wars movies trumps everything else; under that is basically everything in the EU, except for a few exceptions. Jedi Academy is nice and safe in there. presumably, Disney kept all that stuff around when they bought Lucasfilms, including the poor souls whose job it is to organize the Star Wars EU canon. i suppose if they really wanted to, they could take a role in that. i'm not sure why they'd want to, though, since all it would really do is piss off fanboys. and even though Disney is the rapidly-growing Evil Empire, they don't necessarily go meddling in all of their properties. on the other hand, if the new movies start their own continuity, they may exercise a different policy over what would essentially be their own version of Star Wars.
Rosh is canon too. as far as i can tell, the only things from JA that aren't canon are the dark side ending and whenever you play the game as someone other than a white dude with brown hair.
i'd like a copy of it too, please; i don't think i've ever seen that mod before. /late
How many SP players are there here?
unoservix replied to katanamaru's topic in Jedi Knight General Discussions
*raises hand* i clung to SP for the longest time in the tortured hope that the Dark Forces mod would finally get done. that and Black Mesa were the only two total conversion PC mods i was ever really looking forward to. alas... -
What's the biggest map someone made for JKA?
unoservix replied to ScottyMcGeester's topic in General Modding Discussions
Midgar v3 is pretty gigantic, maybe even huger than Atlantica. i never did find all the cavern locks. -
i did not know scorpdeathknight had female versions! the one i got has wings, long-haired demon faces, and knight helmets as options, but they're all the same body type. unfortunately, all i was able to find was the pk3, which doesn't say which version it is. the one i've got is about 4.5mb i think that skin is the Dark Forces mod's Imperial Commando, or at least the model they used for it, and i've already got that, but thanks anyway. c:
yeah, i'd forgotten there was species support, so when i cracked open the pk3 i found a lot more than what i was expecting.
mediafire works pretty well for me. alternatively, if it fits into an email attachment, you could just send it that way to forkliftking at gmail dot com. edit: on second thought, i found a copy of the pk3 on my own, now that i've got the name. thanks anyway! anyway, jediknightii.net didn't work, but once i had the pk3 name i was able to find a copy. and naturally, the third map, Gulf of Souls, was on jk3files after all. thanks guys!
didn't see a rule telling me not to necro threads, so here i go i'm hunting for old mods i used to have for JK2/JK3, and it's like finding a needle in a haystack made of angry scorpions in which the needle is also actually an angry scorpion. so far i've been relatively successful but there are a few that have eluded me: three maps, two skins, and a skin pack. it's a lot harder when you don't remember the names for most of them and have screenshots for only a couple. first map is called Bast Castle Saga. if i recall correctly it was originally made for a new game mode for JK2, which JK3 superseded with the Siege mode. it was two big black towers in a giant field of yellow lava, and you could climb up the bigger tower and eventually get to Darth Vader's meditation chamber. the only download link i found for it leads to the long-lost pcgamemods.com second map is called Mars or The Red Planet or something like that. it's a little base set on Mars, with a small symmetrical building on the surface that includes an airlock, and several corridors and control rooms and such deeper underground, and a big hangar, and a control room with breakable windows that suck you out into a huge foggy canyon. i think it might have been only for JK2, but i seem to recall using it in JK3 too. third map is, well, i don't remember the name. it was set inside a big cave and had an abandoned outpost kind of feel. lots of walkways and such, reminiscient of the Rift maps in JK3, but all the bottomless drops were obscured by bright green fog. first skin is a huge black reptilian guy with small horns on his head and silver and black armor. i think he was based on the Desann model, and he had a cape, and i think red eyes. second skin is this guy: i'm not sure if this was for JK2 or JK3 and it may have simply been ported from elsewhere but i kinda miss him. unfortunately i've long forgotten what its name was. third skin is a skin pack, a set of reskinned Rebels. that guy is one of them. it was a pack that had, i think, three white human males, one black human male, and i think a Chiss and a Trandoshan, all wearing approximately the same dark blue uniforms. unfortunately, i don't remember the name of the skin pack. i've scoured JKHub, JK3Files, and Strategy Informer, and found nothing. i'm afraid that the first two skins might have been only on pcgamemods, but i know the maps were still floating around a couple of years ago, after pcgamemods' demise. i just can't find them and it makes me cry inside. so any help, even if you just know their names, will be mucho appreciated.