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Everything posted by Major_Tom

  1. Yep. Just had to save it and transfer the file, instead of just automatically downloading it.
  2. Hm, I'll try that and see if anything changes.
  3. Oh that was nightmarish. The author used a Clonetrooper for the base....A CLONE TROOPER!
  4. Lately whenever I spawn an NPC my game crashes and it shows me a message saying " Error: Ran out of transform space for Ghoul 2 Models. Adjust MiniHeapSize in SP_spawnserver. Normally, I'd just remove a few models out of my base, but that doesn't seem to do it anymore. Any idea what else could be causing it?
  5. It's not letting me do that. Nevermind, I figured it all out!
  6. It could be because it's downloading the indvidual PK3, so I tried winrar and while itd id download, it never inserted the model into my game, but just gave me parts. EDIT: To answer your question, it just says error C:users/Major_Tom/AppData/Local/Temp/Zz_lord_stalker.pk3 And yes I used my username instead my real name for the error message, but that is it word for word. It also says "Application not found."
  7. Has anyone ever made a reskin of the DL-44 to look like Solo's? And taht changes that awful yellow blast to red? I remember seeing it as a larger part of a mod for Outcast years ago. But never on it's own.
  8. Odd, when it finishes downloading, I get an error message. Can anyone explain why that is?
  9. I'm kinda surprised that aside from a few reskins and his lightsaber, there's no mods of Darth Malgus? Anyone wanna take a crack at him?
  10. There was a pretty decent skin of Plagieus made back on Filefront. If I find it, i'll pm it to ya.
  11. There used to be a good Revan skin without the cape floating around there, the one that's on here crashes my game every time.
  12. Would love to see the late great Ralph McQuarrie's concept of lord Vader come to life. Here are references for it. I think it can be made from an existing Vader, but it'll probably be best to just make a new model. Here are some references! http://www.collectiondx.com/gallery2/gallery/d/97921-4/PB081507.jpg http://k37.kn3.net/D1825FD84.jpg http://www.starwarsmodels.com/images/wanted/vadermq.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Xr-xMUDMIJw/UDwbUthX8mI/AAAAAAAAoxA/u6h8HyY9OGw/s1600/IMG_7536.jpg http://farm9.static.flickr.com/8321/7908938238_72a4d2b05a.jpg
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