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Cannot access variable

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I am trying to access in my script a certain instance, so in my spawnscript i declared a float with the name "RodianChat" ... then i did a set on that float by setting RodianChat to 1. Now when my player hits a trigger, I want to check the status of RodianChat. So i did an If statement in there to check it, but it wont fire.


Scripts are as following

//Generated by BehavEd

rem ( "----------" );
rem ( "Declare map Variables" );
rem ( "----------" );
declare ( /@DECLARE_TYPE/ FLOAT, "RodianChat" );
set ( "RodianChat", "1" );
rem ( "----------" );
rem ( "Setting up player skills" );
rem ( "----------" );

affect ( "player", /@AFFECT_TYPE/ FLUSH )
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_SABER_THROW", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_SABER_DEFENSE", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_SABER_OFFENSE", /@[member='SaberBlade83']_STYLES/ "0" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_HEAL_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_JUMP_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_SPEED_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_PUSH_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_PULL_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_MINDTRICK_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_GRIP_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_LIGHTNING_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_RAGE_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_PROTECT_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_ABSORB_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_DRAIN_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_FORCE_SIGHT_LEVEL", /@[member='Force']_LEVELS/ "0" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_PLAYERMODEL", "prisoner" );
    set ( /@SET_TYPES/ "SET_WEAPON", "WP_MELEE" );

And for the script on the trigger

//Generated by BehavEd

rem ( "----------" );
rem ( "Cutscene Start" );
rem ( "----------" );

if ( $RodianChat$, $=$, $1$ )

affect ( "fake_player", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )

camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "cutscene_camRodian1", ORIGIN)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0 );
wait ( 5000.000 );
set ( "RodianChat", "2" );

Smoo likes this

Fixed. As i looked just over my script, i realized that when I declared my variable as float... i should add that to if statement as well script as well...  else it has no idea what to check for. What a cup of coffee cant accomplished

//Generated by BehavEd

rem ( "----------" );
rem ( "Cutscene Start" );
rem ( "----------" );

if ( $get( FLOAT, "RodianChat")$, $=$, $1$ )

	affect ( "fake_player", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )

	camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ ENABLE );
	camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "cutscene_camRodian1", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0 );
	wait ( 5000.000 );
	set ( "RodianChat", "2" );
	remove ( "fake_player" );

Raz0r, Noodle and Smoo like this

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