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Project Roadmap

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WIP Document. Can change at any time.


Phase 1 - Versus (Original Release: 17 September 2013)

The focus on this phase is going to be combat and player vs player interactions. This will see overhauls to the following systems: Lightsaber Combat, Guns, Items, Vendors and Trading.

  • 1.0.0: Initial release. (Release date: September 2013)
  • 1.1.0: Moved to OpenJK Engine. (Release date: 06 April 2015)
  • 1.2.0: New shop menu, new inventory menu, new item code, further optimizations to game. (Release date: November 2016)
  • 1.3.0: Damage types, debuffs, armor, shields, jetpacks, special ammo. (Release date: December 28, 2017)
    • 1.3.0b Bug fixes, performance improvements and adding in damage plums that were not properly implemented.
    • 1.3.15 Bug fixes, improved bounty system, underdog reward system, passive credit system, team kill bonus system.
    • 1.3.17 New vendor classes, healing buffs, various bug fixes and balance fixes.
    • 1.3.18 New team lock cvar features, bug fixes and balance changes, reduced ammo prices for losing team etc. (Release date: July 7th, 2018)
    • 1.3.19 Bug fixes, new items, new weapons, new buffs, fixed effects for stun etc.
    • 1.3.21 Additional bug fixes, balancing issues, new map pack and new weapons, introduced overheating. (Release date: Feb 8th, 2020)
    • 1.3.22 Balance pass, emp blasts for jetpacks, balance tweaks, overheating tweaks, bug fixes. (Release date: July 11th, 2020)
    • 1.3.23 Improvements to gameplay, and some small new quality of life features, balance pass, tweaks, bug fixes & optimizations.  (Release date: August 25, 2022)
    • 1.3.24 Bug fixes and simple balance tweaks for v1.3.23.  (Release date: November 2024???)
    • 1.3.25 Bug fixes and more detailed quality of life fixes for v1.3.24
  • 1.4.0: Lightsaber combat, Saber items, New Gamemode: Duel. (release date: ???)
    • 1.4.1 Bug Fixes and Balance Improvements based on feedback from v1.4.0
  • 1.5.0: Force powers and simple force skill tree.
    • 1.5.1 Bug Fixes and Balance Improvements based on feedback from v1.5.0
  • 1.6.0: Additional rudimentary skill trees, experience, leveling, player trading.
  • 1.7.0: Limited Vehicle combat; Space Battle mode (probably not likely)?.
  • 1.8.0 Final Phase I Release - Development switches to Phase 2, Phase I is in maintenance.

Phase 2 - Co-op

The focus on this phase is going to be co-op gameplay, in instances with very rudimentary "quests" and npc dialogue.  This will see overhauls to the following systems: Artificial Intelligence/NPCs, Pathfinding, Graphics, and Localization.

  • 2.0.0: Initial release.  Mos Eisley Hubworld with 5 repeatable 'instance' quests and a party system.  Basic AI to fight.
    • 2.0.1 Bug Fixes and Hotfixes.
    • 2.0.2 ???
  • 2.1.0: Additional, more complex quests added.  Improved AI and creatures to fight.
  • 2.2.0: Group finding system.  More detailed Hub world, arena and PVP co-op missions (play against other co-op groups).  Additional environments.
  • 2.3.0: UI Overhaul - New menu system and text rendering, etc.
  • 2.4.0: Graphic Overhaul - Rend2
  • 2.5.0: ???

Phase 3 - RPG

The focus on this phase is going to be RPG mechanics, in large worlds that are semi-persistent. This will see overhauls to the following systems: Map, Collision, Vehicles, Conversation System, Skill Trees, Quests.

  • 3.0.0: Initial release
  • 3.1.0: ???

Phase 4 - LMO

The focus on this phase is going to be connecting all of the worlds together on one persistent server, and social networking. This will see overhauls to the following systems: Persistent Player Data, Interworld Communication, Space Combat, Social, and Parallel Operations (multithreading).

  • 4.0.0: Initial release
  • 4.1.0: ???

Red text indicates a version that has not been started on yet.
Yellow text indicates a version that is currently in progress/being tested.
Green text indicates a version that has been released.

Smoo, Onysfx, hleV and 2 others like this
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On 11/21/2016 at 11:14 AM, hleV said:

Eagerly waiting for that 1.4.0!

After almost 4 years JKG is getting to the sabers xD!... this is the key of success of the mod, if you get the right saber system, most of the JA+ community will finally move foward... (be smart) may the force be with you!

Smoo likes this

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