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atst_vehicle problems

Go to solution Solved by Ramikad,

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When I drive the AT-ST from the level where that Imperial guy takes you prisoner and wants to hunt you, it works fine. But if I try the AT-ST that spawns when you type "npc spawn vehicle atst_vehicle", I can't select the AT-ST weapons, only the lightsaber, so I can't shoot. And when I move the mouse around to aim, it doesn't turn its head, it turns the entire body. So for example when I move the mouse forwards to aim down, the AT-ST looks like it's doing the Michael Jackson anti gravity lean :P

I have the same problem with any "walker" type of vehicle I download as well. I'm using patch 101. I tried starting a new game with no mods but the problem remains. Is this problem normal?

  • Solution

It is normal. The vehicle, that you spawn using npc spawn vehicle atst_vehicle, is designed to be used properly in multiplayer games only. This is also true for most, if not all, other walker vehicles you may download. It's also normal that you can't select its weapons: a characteristic of vehicles in singleplayer game is that you can't shoot their weapons if you drive or fly them with your lightsaber or blaster rifle selected. Use the blaster pistol instead, or for what it's worth any weapon other than the two I mentioned.

The trick with the AT-ST is that the vehicle you're driving on Dosuun is a different entity, that you can spawn using the console command spawn misc_atst_drivable (which will not work in multiplayer games). This one will be fully functional, walking and aiming properly with the weapons it's armed with.

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