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The SDK, where I can look at code of Ravensoft and see how the game works and hone my own coding skills.

This ^ and because I want to give something back to the RP part of JKA for all the good times I've had over the years as an RPer, so that's one of the reasons I'm making OpenRP. JKA is also an interesting game not really like any other non-Jedi Knight series game as far as I know.


One day I was in the music section of Wal Mart and I saw JKA. I decided to buy it and since then I've had amazing experiences and have gained a lot of knowledge about different things. I've met and continue to meet amazing people through JKA. I've sometimes thought how different things would be if I never bought JKA. I would have had different friends, experiences, etc.

Garyn Dakari likes this
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