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JAWA Central Beta 2 !

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JAWA Central Beta 2 !


It's been awhile since the last testing in October, so I wanted to put this out with some updated content. I didn't get around to formally putting levelshots/boutroutes/arena file/etc yet so you'll have to do /map jawacentralbeta2  (or /devmap jawacentralbeta2) instead of going to "create game" option.

If you get the NPC Extensions Too Large error, it is due to exess npc or npc vehicle mods in your base folder.

If you find anything unusual, odd, a bug, texture misalignment, etc that you please post it (with a screenshot preferably). If possible, please provide feedback, questions, etc.


Some new things include:

  • Circling Corridor.
  • Flight Arena
  • Bug fixes
  • Tweaked certain parts of the map



Raz0r, Jeff, Smoo and 2 others like this

This was an april fools joke. Don't download it it's not the real thing, man was I pissed  :angry:


But you got me, ha!




(Actual image of the map)




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