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Lugormod #U(any version) for Linux

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So I managed to get a build, using g++ (C was too much of a mess). It's untested because I honestly cba to setup jk3 on the VM, if anyone's interested in testing let me know and I'll provide the .so. If it proves working I might polish it abit and apply the bugfixes I made meanwhile, for now I just used the original code that Phred sent me, aside from  couple of hours of work on getting windows dependant stuff compillable under linux.

GeneralJelly likes this

So I managed to get a build, using g++ (C was too much of a mess). It's untested because I honestly cba to setup jk3 on the VM, if anyone's interested in testing let me know and I'll provide the .so. If it proves working I might polish it abit and apply the bugfixes I made meanwhile, for now I just used the original code that Phred sent me, aside from  couple of hours of work on getting windows dependant stuff compillable under linux.

Ill try it if you still need someone. Lugor for linux is something my clan has interest in.


Apparently that build was corrupted, I'll update this post once it's working (got a tester already so np, appreciating the offer).

Cool, I just have to ask though: Is there any estimation on when this will be completed? Are the odds in our favour of it being completed at all or is this just a shot in the dark?


I managed to get the code building with gcc, g++ builds were failing to load (unsure should it even make any difference). Let me know if any1 wants to test because my buddy won't be available for the next couple of hours, so I wouldn't mind knowing faster is it still unoperational.



Cool, I just have to ask though: Is there any estimation on when this will be completed? Are the odds in our favour of it being completed at all or is this just a shot in the dark?


To be honest, I've no idea. For some reason Phred wasn't able to get it working over all these years, not sure did he even compile the builds or not. I suspect he had it built, but it didn't work in the same manner. It's likely that it would require heavy debugging, which I won't be able to do - I'm not a professional coder, and I barely even figured how to compile it in Linux. Windows is pretty much the only one I'm familiar with.


I did adjust the code to be compillable under Linux, the only Windows-specific stuff was in crash reporting, engine patcher, and hostban system.

If this build doesn't work then I guess I'll give it up for now (I can't even consult Phred atm because he's pretty occupied with life), and the ETA will become impossible to estimate.


I managed to get the code building with gcc, g++ builds were failing to load (unsure should it even make any difference). Let me know if any1 wants to test because my buddy won't be available for the next couple of hours, so I wouldn't mind knowing faster is it still unoperational.




To be honest, I've no idea. For some reason Phred wasn't able to get it working over all these years, not sure did he even compile the builds or not. I suspect he had it built, but it didn't work in the same manner. It's likely that it would require heavy debugging, which I won't be able to do - I'm not a professional coder, and I barely even figured how to compile it in Linux. Windows is pretty much the only one I'm familiar with.


I did adjust the code to be compillable under Linux, the only Windows-specific stuff was in crash reporting, engine patcher, and hostban system.

If this build doesn't work then I guess I'll give it up for now (I can't even consult Phred atm because he's pretty occupied with life), and the ETA will become impossible to estimate.

Damn okay.. well I can try to test it I guess. Might be a bit tricky if it requires linuxjampded or is openjk fine?


I managed to get a working build, I'll submit it to jkhub soon (probably tomorrow, my head's in pain)


Briefly tested on a server, seems to be fully functional.


I guess lugormod finally says hi to linux lol


Edit: submitted the file, pending approval

Smoo and Aldro Koon like this

I managed to get a working build, I'll submit it to jkhub soon (probably tomorrow, my head's in pain)


Briefly tested on a server, seems to be fully functional.


I guess lugormod finally says hi to linux lol


Edit: submitted the file, pending approval

JKHub mods: Approve this ASAP please! :D

Smoo likes this

The files are .c, but I guess it's kinda C++, mostly due to some stuff that is non-standard for C - gcc spammed me with "initializer element is not constant" error. I'm kinda newbie to linux coding, ironically LMD is the 1st thing I ever built using it, and one of my 1st encounters with Linux terminal at all.


FWIW, gcc is not tied to Linux - I use it on Windows. You could try to unify the build system before worrying about linux-specific and jamp.exe specific issues. That would rule out compiler/language extension related issues.

Smoo likes this

I'm aware, I've been using gcc for some stuff on Windows.


The code is now portable, it literally took to do minor modifications in 6 .c files (out of total ~170), which has taken around half an hour or so. It's kinda astonishing that all these years Phred didn't bother, perhaps he considered Linux as an underdog system or had other priorities, idk.

Aldro Koon likes this

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