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Help to noob, who have great idea, but haven't competetion ;p

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First I said to apologise on my english. Yeah, I know. Realy bad. :P Guys, whos have experience and got a talent to "make" a this amazing work (Snoke, natural! :D) http://jkhub.org/files/file/2591-dark-apprentices-small-pack-the-force-awakens/ to SP? :( Please. This skin is realy awesome, but i cant replace mp skin to sp. :( Thanks.

Hello and welcome to JKHub @@Krayt and a happy new year!! First of all thank you for liking my Frankenstein-ed model of Supreme Leader Snoke. Now on your question, here is my answer:


I can help you make it for Single Player, as long as I can understand your request, you want the model to appear inside your Single Player menu as a main character instead of Jaden Korr. However you must keep in mind, that choosing this you will have him as a regular sized character. And if you had used this: Playermodel TFA_Snoke  you would've be able to play with him in his original size, since we know from the Movie that Snoke is very tall character.


Also this is just a frankenstein using Darth Plaguies head, instead of a new one for Snoke. I am not sure how true is the theory of Snoke as Plaguies, that's something we might understand in Episodes 8 and 9.

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Hello and welcome to JKHub @@Krayt and a happy new year!! First of all thank you for liking my Frankenstein-ed model of Supreme Leader Snoke. Now on your question, here is my answer:


I can help you make it for Single Player, as long as I can understand your request, you want the model to appear inside your Single Player menu as a main character instead of Jaden Korr. However you must keep in mind, that choosing this you will have him as a regular sized character. And if you had used this: Playermodel TFA_Snoke  you would've be able to play with him in his original size, since we know from the Movie that Snoke is very tall character.


Also this is just a frankenstein using Darth Plaguies head, instead of a new one for Snoke. I am not sure how true is the theory of Snoke as Plaguies, that's something we might understand in Episodes 8 and 9.


Oh, realy you Hi and HNY to! :D Frankenstein-ed, but serious good. :D  Possibly is not Plagueis... xD But he look like Plagueis... O.o Nevermind. xD Disney knows only. :| And maybe JJ! :P Maybe. Do you help me? :D Thanks, buddy. You add file Snoke to SP? @o@

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