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Problem with many mods

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Hi guys,


I have some problems with certain mods, I downloaded several skins (Darth maul v3, Anakin, Qui-gon etc) but no one appear when I create a new game. I managed to get Kylo Ren skin working but not the others. I downloaded the most downloaded mods, so I don't think that it come from them. Of course I place the .pk3 files in ..../base, no problem with that.


Could you help me please ? 

Sorry for my english



Smoo likes this

I think it has something to do with if they have a "playerchoice.txt" file. NPC support can also play a role, if you're using console commands to change models then that's your issue, without an npc file you cannot change with the console.

MB2 Beta Tester / MB2 FA Assistant Dev


Is this for Single Player or Multiplayer game mode? Most player models are made for Multiplayer. They won't show in Single Player game mode -- if that's what you're desperately trying to see happen. Only a few player models have Single Player gameplay support, and if they do, it usually clearly says so in their readme file.


My advice is to always read the readme to see how to use the mod properly, especially when you're starting out.


You can usually use multiplayer mods in singleplayer if an npc has been created (if not you can probably easily create one based on the model using this tool: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2420-npctool/ ), by using the console cheat playermodel.


It's not necessary to have a NPC file, you can simply playermodel <modelname> model_default model_default model_default. The only downside of not having a specific NPC is that the player settings will be the same, first and foremost the max force energy and force regeneration rate, along with any potential additional saber style and lightsaber model.

Futuza, Smoo and Cerez like this

It's not necessary to have a NPC file, you can simply playermodel <modelname> model_default model_default model_default. The only downside of not having a specific NPC is that the player settings will be the same...

That, and the taunts and grunts, which will remain Jaden's default -- so if you're switching from a male character to a female one mid-game, you're gonna have some funny stuff happening.


I believe you can change the sounds with the snd command ingame but it still plays Jaden sounds every now and then.

MB2 Beta Tester / MB2 FA Assistant Dev

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