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{JoF} - Jedi of Freedom

Aldro Koon

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  • 7 months later...
  • Aldro Koon changed the title to {JoF} - Jedi of Freedom
  • 9 months later...

We recently launched {JoF}Holocrons V2!
Holocrons are a system in the community that grants you items/credits for bonuses ingame and some on our forums.
You can ONLY obtain them through community related achievements!




It's a dream come true to be able to use two saber stances that we believe many players were completely unaware of.
Outside of NPCs using them or bosses in SP, most players probably don't even know of their existance.
Locking it behind community progress and holocron credits will ensure continued contribution.
Capping it to master rank is the way to go as we trust our masters to not misuse it.



Zree and Smoo like this
  • 11 months later...
  • 7 months later...

We just celebrated our 17th year anniversary as a community.

This year has been very difficult for many of us but that difficulty has brought us more closer than ever before.
I am typing this message for marketing purposes but I am specifically trying to reach those who have lost their way from JKA or JoF for whatever reason and is missing the sense of belonging that we offer.
Allow me to share a post I made on our forums, written on the 22nd of August 2023.


  It's so very easy to examine the past, see all of your prior mistakes and conclude how much you have grown and changed for the better across time.
I must remind you that we started this community as teenagers and I myself was a 13 year old kid who was definitely not ready to be a leader.
But you know what? In some ways, we still possessed certain qualities that were beneficial and kept in high regard back then despite being mere children.


In the early days, I'm talking 2006-2007: We as leaders were much better when it came to showing gratitude.
There was a time where a topic was written almost every single month (with horrendously flawed grammar, I might add) by either me or Shree.
It was always about how much this community meant to us and how thankful we were to everyone for being in it.
What is equally important is that we were fortunate enough to have members who recognized this genuine attentiveness.

Yes we were ambitious, the forms grew to be appealing, the clan structure was genious and the SMC was like sprinkles to an already great cake.
But honestly, I think an overlooked aspect of what made JoF into what it is today was the fact that we were human and we had so much gratitude for the tiniest moments.
Any questionable decision or eyebrow raising moment was almost always excused by you because you knew us and you knew how much we deeply cared.

{JoF} VS [TO] (2).jpg

One of the benefits to this kind of leadership is that when we leaders acknowledge a member, they tend to make a little extra mental note of it.
Over the years, this acknowledgment from us to you has certainly decreased due to a multitude of reasons (mainly sheer size and our own limited free time).
It remains most prominent during anniversary events or occasional one to ones with usually high ranking members.

Gone are the days of long essays where we wrote what was on our hearts and instead we settled for having members work towards fulfilling arbitrary goals.
A sincere thanks has been replaced with GZ and an emblem on your profile as if we're smacking members asses and saying "now get back out there champ".
While the aforementioned is not likely to change for practical purposes, it is still worth acknowledging (and hey, atleast the emblems are beautiful).


We take our R&D for granted as we enthusiastically share our vision, forgetting that we are requesting for members to spend their valuable time and energy.
Some of you may have noticed random holocrons being granted to you in the recent few months from me for what may perceived as small details.
This may seem trivial to some but it really is a cool way of being able to say thank you unexpectedly by highlighting that we appreciate and recognize you.
And while I simply won't be able to individually thank everyone, I am writing this topic in order to connect a little bit more deeply with you all yet again.

Additional reasons for this topic is that throughout my recent social dancing success, I ultimately feel as if I have found back to my inner child.
I have strongly internalized that any external validation and all encompassing love can only sincerely come from within yourself.
And I have been fortunate enough to have always felt that love right here towards you, infront of this very screen.


I create this topic to thank all of you for being members here, being my friends and for sharing these precious times with us.
It is the small minor things in life that makes us feel alive and I am reminded that love is the act of giving with no expectation in return.
And while I hope my grammar is slightly better then 2006, I just want you all to know that my heart is truly still the same.


"Thank You {JoF} For Making Our Lives Best ."

Let's promise to try and look after each other, because that is simply what we do.
...Let's also avoid any leadership surveys going forward though...

For Diego.
Long Live :jof:!




PhreaKy315, Smoo and Cor like this
  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Busy last couple of months with the release of three new maps within our community:

- {JoF}Memorial Grounds in memory of Diego (by Perso)
- {JoF}SIth Crypts cooperative mission (by Skullcruncher & Aldro)
- {JoF}Carbonite Hold cooperative mission (by Kalek)




Cor likes this
  • 5 months later...

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