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Sound Bugs


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I've noticed a few bugs on my end since SDL2, and hoping to see if anyone else has these issues:


- music volume silder doesn't affect in-game music volume, only menu music

- SET_MUSIC_STATE commands in ICARUS doesn't affect music (ie DM_SILENCE & DM_BOSS do nothing)

- sounds & music still play when game is minimised

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I don't know about those issues but I have tons with regards to sounds dropping out, playing in wrong location, or being too loud. Sometimes when someone taunts for e.g. it plays on my location regardless of where they are in map. 


Other times doors stop making sound for entire game.

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Thanks for reporting, @@DT85 :) It's probably happening in SP and MP (at least on Windows). With the recent behind-the-scenes changes, there's probably problems that we haven't found yet, especially to do with...

  • sound
  • input
  • window
  • possibly (but less likely) the renderer

The problem with sound still playing when the window's minimized is something we already know about, but the other points you mentioned is new to us!

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i noticed a sound problem too a few days ago, all of the weapon sound effects are 2-3 times louder than before. I think that the sound file is being played more than one time, sometimes I can hear it being played twice with a slight delay.

also anyone know why alternate attack sound for the blaster also plays the primary sound? it becomes rly obvious in openjk but its in the original MP as well

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music volume silder doesn't affect in-game music volume, only menu music

I can't reproduce this problem. What map are you having the problem on (if it's on multiple, just give me one of the map names)? Are you adjusting the music volume using the UI or changing the cvar directly?




SET_MUSIC_STATE commands in ICARUS doesn't affect music (ie DM_SILENCE & DM_BOSS do nothing)

Can you provide the map where you're having the problems with this? (Or a cut down version)

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- music volume silder doesn't affect in-game music volume, only menu music


I haven't experienced this. I was able to adjust the volume level properly using the slider for music, voice, and sfx in the latest version of OpenJK. I've paid close attention to this because I was trying to match the voice to music audio level in comparison to my other games (I like my voices/speaking to be heard clearly). I've adjusted all the sliders to a lower level. I don't have hardware sound enabled, though.


Could it be a sound card driver issue in your case, @@DT85?

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