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GTK Radiant 1.5 Crashes

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Hey! A friend of mine has issues with his Radiant and I figured I'd try asking here incase anyone has a solution in mind.


"So my problem is that, everytime I try to open a map not made by me it doesn't open and gtk crashes. Though very few ones do, until they get updated in which they end up not working either.
I use gtk 1.5 and windows 7 64bit.
I tried with 1.4 and 1.6 both work and can open maps, but I cant save anything. It just saves, but doesnt, nothing happens. Also 1.4 and 1.6 are very buggy imo, I don't want to use em.

I tried using earlier versions of 1.5, same thing, but 2006 version gave me an actual error report before crashing."


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