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Titanic canon or theatrical duel

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Alright so the debate I am throwing out is for the Titanic package I'll be releasing in April, one of the versions is a duel map where the ship is as she was just seconds before breaking. The debate is whether to go theatrical (45 degrees down by the head no port list) or the commonly believed end (24 degrees down by the head wit a 13 degree list to port).

The pictures below show examples of the two different scenarios.

Theatrical - 45 degrees as seen in 'James Cameron's' film "Titanic".







Commonly accepted theory.






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JKA toons will begin to slide at 55 degrees.which does make sense as I can (though struggling) walk up till about then even, of course even the theatrical never got that high till after it split. Any ways I kind of agree with you Laz, to avoid any errors Ill just tie a script to a trigger always that instantly rotates it to where it'll need to be during the load.It'll also allow me to keep the aft ends enterior which will add more area for the dueling and more to the theatrics. The honest accepted angle is 23 - 25 degree's, sort of open to ipinion on the exact figure but really it was that port list of 13-15 degrees that really screwed wit the ship. And again I think it'll make for an interesting duel platform.

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