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Rend2 beta


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I think I asked this before, though I can't find the conversation/topic. Where can I download a rend2 beta to test out? I remember I was playing with it once already, I think. Also I'm interested in what shader options I have as a mod maker regarding weapons and how to utilize them in rend2, but I can talk about this with people on Skype.

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You can get the current version at https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/tree/rend2 (download as zip).

The way I remember it, you put rend2 specific shaders in .mtr files in your /shaders folder, which will overwrite shaders with the same name for vanilla. cl_renderer must be set to rend2. @@Xycaleth can give you some more useful tips and commands, or you could look through the rend2 thread for some of them.. I can't remember them at the moment.


An example shader for something I have in my base folder:




	qer_editorimage	textures/a_rend2map/bricks3
		map textures/a_rend2map/bricks3
		stage normalparallaxmap
		map textures/a_nmaps/bricks3_nmap
		map $lightmap
		blendFunc filter

	qer_editorimage	textures/a_rend2map/streetrocks
		map textures/a_rend2map/streetrocks
		stage normalmap
		map textures/a_nmaps/streetrocks_nmap
		map $lightmap
		blendFunc filter




EDIT: Forgot that the Github links to the project, not a pre-built dll!

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Would be good if this could be moved to the OpenJK forum :) *hint hint at mods* Preferably with a redirect from this forum so OP can still find it.


The easiest way to get rend2 up and running is by using a prebuilt DLL. Steps are as follows:

  1. Download the VC++ 2013 Redistributable (make sure you choose x86): http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=40784
  2. Download the rend2 DLL: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/874909/rd-rend2_x86.zip
  3. Copy the DLL into your GameData/ folder.
  4. Start up OpenJK.
  5. In the console, type "/cl_renderer rd-rend2; vid_restart"

If everything worked, it should all look the same in the main menu. Type "/cl_renderer" in the console again to check that rend2 is running.


Commands and cvars can be found here: https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3/blob/c04d05fd8f64b62201b100d410da52e1ab3eec17/opengl2-readme.txt


rend2 is based on the one in ioq3 so the readme is fairly accurate.

Keyten, Boothand, Rooxon and 1 other like this
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@@Rooxon PM'd me for some help but I thought I'd copy part of my message here in case it helps anyone else:
The bit I didn't explain is the new shaders. I can give a quick overview here. I'll post it in the topic as well so others can read it. Rend2 supports another shader file called a .mtr file (short for material). Both the .shader files and .mtr files can use the new shader keywords, but if a .shader file and a .mtr file share the same name, then the .mtr file will be used. This let's you keep compatibility with the base renderer. For example, if you have rooxon.shader and rooxon.mtr, then rooxon.mtr will be loaded, and rooxon.shader will be ignored.
Since rend2 supports normal maps, specular maps, etc, you need a way to tell the game that your texture uses these. Take a look at the example below:

    stage diffuseMap // This line isn't strictly necessary. The stage is "diffuseMap" if you don't specify it.
    map textures/rooxon/head_d
    rgbgen lightingDiffuseEntity
    stage normalMap
    map textures/rooxon/head_n
    stage specularMap
    map textures/rooxon/head_s

This is a really basic example, but is usually all you will need for a character model. There's some more fancy stuff you can do with the 'shininess' of the material but that is all you should need for now.
One thing to note is that the new keywords are very much likely to change at some point in the future as rend2 progresses a bit further.

Scerendo and Rooxon like this
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