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Hapslash's Imperial Commando install

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More info. What Imperial Commando?


I had this Imperial Commando file that originally was in a zipped file called HS_ImperialCommando. It was stated in the description that it was for Jk2.  I found it on some site when I downloaded and installed Hapslash's Stormtroopers. I put both in my base directory and the stormtroopers were overwritten by the pk3 but the Imperial Commando wasn't since it is not in Jedi Outcast originally. It looks an aweful lot like what is on Hapslash's website. The files are dated the same time as his updates on the site and there are even all new sounds with it.


I guess what I'm trying to ask is how do I create a new npc for Jedi outcast. 


i'll send you the file if you like.


I copied and modified a stormtrooper entry and had some good luck with it. I used the NPC Spawner in a test map and an invisible Imperial Commando appeared. It noticed me, fired at me, and even the new sounds played, but, no skin. 


Any ideas ?

	playerModel imperialcommando
	health		60
	headPitchRangeDown 30
	reactions	5
	aim			5
	move		5
	aggression	5
	evasion		5
	intelligence	5
	rank		ensign
	scale		110
	playerTeam	enemy
	enemyTeam	player
//	race		klingon
	class		imperialcommando
	height		68
	crouchheight 52
	walkSpeed	51
	runSpeed	200
	snd			imperialcommando
	sndcombat	imperialcommando
	sndextra	imperialcommando
	yawspeed	90
	walkSpeed	55
	runSpeed	200
	dismemberProbHead	0
	dismemberProbArms	10
	dismemberProbLegs	0
	dismemberProbHands	20
	dismemberProbWaist	0

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