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Jedi robes?

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So iv been compiling and creating jedi in their robes, i mostly just do recoloring and tweaks to models iv found over the years. I want upload them to this site but don’t have the read me info for about 80% of the people who did the original models/skins and i don’t want to upset anyone.


Im not much of a modeler, i was never able to get it. There are models iv wanted to Frankenstein some models together and was wondering if any of yall had any of them already or could maybe put together in your free time? I have a lot of ideas because iv been doing this along time. But I will put a few at a time. I don’t expect to get them, and im not demanding anything. But any help would be greatly appreciated.


Iv wanted to create a Leia ,Mara (the model from JK2, both hair down and pony tail), alora, female zabrak and both tavion heads in their jedi robes. As well as the Gran, Dash Rendar, Morgan Katarn, and other jedi models that were released for JK2.


I want to releases what jedi i have created on my own, if it would be okay to do so here let me know, i would love to share them with the comunity.

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