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Rocket Tracking Command

Go to solution Solved by Raz0r,

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Yo guys, it's been a while since I've played JK or visited this forum. Nevertheless I come here with a question (which I might have asked before, I don't remember).


Basically, I want to find out how does rocket tracking work from the game, and find the folder with the script(s) responsible for the rocket launcher, but I don't know where it is ._.


I want to use it to make a script where fx follows the target and possibly triggers something once collided. Did anyone tried this before? You lot think it's possible to make script like this? xD Any ideas where I can find the folder? >_<


I'm not sure if it's even the right section... Oh well, I can always change it / make new one in right section


Asgarath83 likes this
  • Solution

It's in the MP source code, in the server-side game logic (codemp/game aka "Game Library" in OpenJK solution)

Probably in g_missile.c or g_weapon.c

GalenAltaiir likes this

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