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Heya folks, what's happening?

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Hey, I'm still not gonna do and release mods for a short while, because I have exams nearly every day of the week. I'm checking back here and there, but I'm curious as to what is happening in the community. There are surely a few things I don't know, I'm particularily interested in the JKA Enhanced progress and other mods, is anything cool comming up?

Also, it's more of a general question what's happnening, I mentioned JKA Enhanced only cause my weapon models are said to be part of it, that's all.

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Right this second? Not much sadly. People are busy in RL I guess. 


On a grander scheme, OpenJK is probably the biggest and most successful project right now. It's being worked on constantly. Right now they are implementing a new renderer called "rend2".


Just check out the Mod Project Forums to see what else is going on in the modding world I guess.


As far as the playing side of the community goes, some clans have died and some have been born. I've been working on familiarizing myself with this side of the community the past few months to figure out how to cater to them better.

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bah, well, nice, I read about rend2 already yes. That's really incredible what it does compared to the original renderer (I do realize it has a name, I just don't know exactly what it is). Other than that, I guess it's quite... peacefull here the past few weeks or am I mistaken?

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bah, well, nice, I read about rend2 already yes. That's really incredible what it does compared to the original renderer (I do realize it has a name, I just don't know exactly what it is). Other than that, I guess it's quite... peacefull here the past few weeks or am I mistaken?

Nope your'e not, let me give you some links to what I've been following in the past weeks while you were gone.

-Twi'lek Male(Dark Pastime mod): http://jkhub.org/topic/4084-twilek-male/?do=findComment&comment=60799

-8T88(Dark Forces 2 mod):http://jkhub.org/topic/3530-character-8t88/

-Nar Shaddaa level(Dark Forces 2 mod): http://jkhub.org/topic/2444-level-1-nar-shaddaa/

-Kyle Katarn ( Dark Forces 2 mod): http://jkhub.org/topic/2555-character-kyle-katarn/

-Citizen from DF2- http://jkhub.org/topic/3686-the-many-faces-of-rax-joris/

-Misc Citizens for DF2 (some of which I plan on working on)- http://jkhub.org/topic/3574-model-requests/

-Animations for Jka enhanced (Some of which I have a lot of suggestions for- http://jkhub.org/topic/3487-animation/

-Tenlos rifle- http://jkhub.org/topic/3521-tenloss-dxr-6-disruptor-rifle/

- Various jka weapons - http://jkhub.org/topic/3441-models/

-Expanded jka customization - http://jkhub.org/topic/2480-sp-customisation-stuff/

- Starships./Speeders/Swoops- http://jkhub.org/topic/4102-starshipsspeedersswoops/

-New Darth Maul Model/ skin- http://jkhub.org/topic/3157-darth-maul/

-Mandalorians and Rebels- http://jkhub.org/topic/4067-some-rebels-and-a-new-jango/

-Dark Jedi model- http://jkhub.org/topic/4114-unnamed-dark-jedi/

-Ithorian model (at the very end)- http://jkhub.org/topic/3024-ongree-species-pablo-jill/page-3

-A very much needed T3-M4 model- http://jkhub.org/topic/2760-t3-m4-droid/

-New Jaden models- http://jkhub.org/topic/3966-models-and-customisation/

-A very much needed Darth Revan model - http://jkhub.org/topic/3536-just-a-little-project/?do=findComment&comment=49796

-A recent saber request that I think you can handle - http://jkhub.org/topic/4188-darth-drakhens-lightsaber-request/


* I thought of a bunch of saber request 

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oh well now that is really nice of you @, I did not think you keep a list :D thank you! Well just a few more exams and I'll be back and up and running fast like never before. I could do that last link you posted pretty fast, yes :D I've also gotten myself a 2012 version of 3DS Max and I'm learning really high-poly model making with the numerous new tools it's providing and I have to say I'm impressed by it's potential. I might even start doing a playermodel for a tryout.

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