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Dober dan! ...or as you may actually understand, hello! =)


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I'm Rooxon, new to JKhub but an old modder back from JKfiles. I now actually study IT and I find a lot of time for my computer and what else would intrigue me more than do some mods again for good ol' JKA. :)

As far as modding is concerned I have knowledge on pretty much every aspect (Modelling, mapping, effect-making, texturing.... really I learned pretty much everything there was possible for JKA).
With that said, I'd be happy to help if anyone needs help or advice, just message me and I'll see what I can do.

Cheers to y'all and I hope I'll have a great time here!

...aaaand if anyone wonders what "Dober Dan!" means, I'm from Slovenia actually and it means good day ... kinda like hello :D

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Glad to be here also. Say I haven't yet found out by myself, from 1 to 10 what would you say, how alive this community is? I'm also learning Cinema4D and I'll be doing skyrim mods also..

As a n00b who just started playing the game about a year ago (and had an account for maybe 4 months xD), I'd say a 7

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Nice, well I'm yet fascinated as to how many different mods are here that I have never seen as of my joining here. JK3files never had such astounding mods.. or it may be that overall mods are done better than they were then.

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