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jaMME 1.0 is here

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Hello everyone.


Most of things are ported, most of bugs are fixed so it's 1.0. Yay.

Get it now: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1712-jamme/



- changed sound code for proper sound speed support and for opportunity to play background music

- added mov_musicFile and mov_musicStart which let you load and adjust background music

- added mov_wallhack which lets you see player models through walls

- added mov_filterMask which lets you hide selected entities

- added musicPlay command that lets you play music for some time

- fixed disapearing external post-process (QeffectsGL) if there are not 2D images on screen (thanks to Ghost)

- added doppler effect and cvars that control it: s_doppler, s_dopplerSpeed, s_dopplerFactor


New cvars:

- mov_musicFile

- mov_musicStart

- mov_filterMask

- mov_wallhack

- s_doppler

- s_dopplerSpeed

- s_dopplerFactor

- s_timescale

- s_forceScale

Check mme/cvars.txt to read description of those cvars.


Probably some sounds won't be played though I didn't have such issue, and if it happens then tell me about that, please.

Also bug with odd sounds that could be heard in captured sound still exists. Example: https://db.tt/4MV9oQZg (let's hope Leonardo won't delete it). You can hear the pistol shot is very noisy. The problem probably comes from original quake 3 sound code and I could not detect its core. Sounds with that bug:

- Bryar Blaster Pistol alt shot

- Golan Arms Flechette alt shot

- Merr-Sonn Portable Missle primary shot

If you find more then tell me, please. Fortunately saber sounds are fine so saberists can be happy.

But the problem has a solution and it is still same: http://jkhub.org/topic/2714-tips-advices-and-help/ on "If you are recording audio and having strange sounds..." string.


To test how sexy sound speed scales just change demo speed using /speed command (/speed 0.4 for example). To test doppler effect just get closer to flying rocket and listen to how its speed changes. Wooo.


May the Force be with you. tumblr_lfhua3UHGR1qzvcyt.gif




Made some changes and fixes, now it is 1.0.2.

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