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Caught someone DDOSing my server >:o

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Keep an eye on this ip. It only started a few moments ago, I was able to change ports and cut it back. A quick lookup shows that its a dedicated server by OVH...





Gametracker shows that it belongs to a gaming server host.



I'm contemplating taking action. Not that I'm particularly vengeful but I'd like to try since I've never done that before. Anyway, server owners pls firewall this dude.

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I look at both the same way.


I found out that the gaming host's servers were offline, as were their website, so I think they might have been a target themselves. Cause that particular port is one of their COD servers' IP.


I also found that of the top 10 JKA servers listed in GameTracker, a few have disappeared. I didn't know, but some one had re-added mine to the damn site and it was on fifth, probably why it was targeted. Still seems kinda random...Anyway I've firewalled GT now.

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Could be a spoofed IP or perhaps their machines are part of a botnet which is used for the DDOS attack. 

I don't know why people use GameTracker anyway, it's such a shit site.


This pretty much. Ever since I've stopped using GT I've had a significant decrease in attacks aswell.

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