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For the MineCraft fans :P

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Looks good, but it also looks like a very cool idea that is being poorly executed, personally. Looks a bit like they just took all the cool things people are doing in other games (crafting, "special" infected, setting traps, block systems etc.) and putting them all into one game hoping it works. But hey, it's pre-alpha, so who knows what could happen.

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I've always hoped to have some type of game like this, running from house to house trying to desperately survive while being attacked by zombies, preparing your base for the night before hoards of zombies attack...almost like a defend your castle type thing, looks pretty good.


I agree with Botdra, however it's obvious people want this type of game, and they are making it, so if it comes out it will most likely be highly successful. 

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lol, botdra, just watch and wait, dont bash it before its even out, lol.


their not takin from other games lol. squished


There's a difference between bashing and being honest. I'm not saying it sucks, just stating my opinion. If you think that's bashing you haven't been on the internet very long...


They definitely are taking a lot from other games... I'm not faulting them for it, if they can make it all work that's awesome, but right now it looks a bit patchy, and doesn't seem to gel. But again, it's pre-alpha so can't blame them.

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