Linken Posted July 30, 2023 Posted July 30, 2023 Busy busy month! Let's get started! THE FINAL COUNTDOWN On our discord server I've begun posting final countdown postings on an occasional basis. Almost every day more progress has been made on packaging up the new characters coming to the mod. As of typing this, the only remaining factions are The Old Republic and Sith Empire (with sub-factions). CONFIRMED CHARACTERS The following is the full list of characters that are 100% coming to Galactic Legacy in the next update. This list will not include Old Republic or Sith Empire characters. GALACTIC REPUBLIC - 187th Clone Trooper - 212th Clone Sniper - 327th Clone Trooper (Phase I) - Agen Kolar (Updated Model) - Ahsoka Tano (Padawan) (New Variant) - Anakin Skywalker (Force Ghost, Original) (Updated Model) - Anakin Skywalker (General) (Updated Model) - Anakin Skywalker (Mid-War) (New Variant) - ARC Trooper (New Variant) - Bultar Swan (Updated Model) - Captain Fordo (Updated Models) - Clone Blaze Trooper - Clone Gunner - Clone Pilot - Eeth Koth (Updated Model) - Even Piell (Updated Model) - Glynn-Beti - Grohto - Jurokk (New Variant) - Kelleran Beq - Lilit Twoseas - Naboo Guardsman (New Variant) - Obi-Wan Kenobi (General) (New Variant) - Padme Amidala (Clone Wars) (New Variant) - Padme Amidala (Pilot) - Padme Amidala (Snow Gear) - Sio Bibble - Siri Tachi (New Variant) - Temple Security Force - Voolvif Monn - Yoda (Hood) (New Variant) SEPARATIST ALLIANCE - A-series Assassin Droid - Cortosis Assassin Droid - Count Dooku (Jedi Master) (New Variant) - Cydon Prax - E4 Baron Droid - Gossam Commando - Lushros Dofine - N-K Necrosis (New Variant to General Grievous) - Nimbus Commando - Separatist Mercenary - Sev'rance Tann REBELLION - 2-1B - Bespin Jump Trooper - Blue Squadron Pilot - Caleb Dume (New Variant to Kanan Jarrus) - Captain Rex - Chewbacca (Injured) (New Skin) - Dash Rendar - Evaan Verlaine - Han Solo (Hoth) (New Variant) - Kota's Militia - Lando Calrissian (Jabba's Palace) (Updated Model) - Leebo - Leia Organa (Bespin Dress) (New Variant) - Leia Organa (Black Sun Captive) (New Variant) - Leia Organa Solo (Dark Empire) (New Variant) - Leia Organa (Jedi Training) (New Variant) - Leia Organa (Mimban) (New Variant) - Leia Organa (Ord Mantell) (New Variant) - Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Training) (Updated Model) - Luke Skywalker (Heir to the Empire) (New Variant) - Luke Skywalker (Mimban) - Luke Skywalker (Pilot) (Updated Model) - Luke Skywalker (Rebellion) (New Variant) - Luke Skywalker (Sith Apprentice) (Updated Model) - R2-D2 (Sail Barge) - Rebel Marksman - Rebel Pilot (Devaronian) (New Variant) - Rebel Pilot (Rodian) (New Variant) - Rebel Soldier (Ithorian) (New Variant) - Rebel Soldier (Quarren) (New Variant) - Rebel Smuggler - Rebel Vanguard - Shriv Suurga - Ten Numb - Wedge Antilles - Wookiee Warrior NEW REPUBLIC - Allana Djo Solo - Jacen Solo (Updated Model) - Jan Ors (New Variant) - Kirana Ti - Lant Davan - Mara Jade (Emperor's Hand) (Updated Model) - Mara Jade (Poncho) (New Variant) - Mara Jade (Vong Armor) (New Variant) - New Republic Guard - New Republic Security Droid - WeeGee GALACTIC ALLIANCE - Alema Rar - Ben Skywalker (New Variant) - Galactic Alliance Guard - Hohass Ekwesh - Kam Solusar - Lensi - Streen - Tahiri Veila GALACTIC EMPIRE - Arden Lyn - AT-AT Pilot (Updated Model) - Darth Vader (Dark Dimension) (New Variant) - Ellian Zahra - Ensign Nanda - Gar Saxon - Grand Admiral Thrawn (With Ysalimari) (New skin) - Ground Crewman - ID9 Seeker Droid - Imperial Engineer - Imperial Officer (Armored) (New Variant) - Imperial Shuttle Pilot - Imperial Seatrooper - Imperial Supercommando - Kashyyyk Trooper - Mud Trooper - Ninth Sister - Purge Trooper (New Variant) - Phase Zero Dark Trooper - Rebus - Sergeant Kreel - Sim Aloo - Triton Squad Stormtrooper IMPERIAL REMNANT - Juggernaut Pilot - Niles Ferrier - Praetorian Guard - Raptor Trooper - Zsinj FEL'S EMPIRE - Sigel Dare RESISTANCE - Lando Calrissian (Veteran) - Luke Skywalker (Updated Models) - Resistance Trooper - Rose Tico FIRST ORDER - Agent Terex - First Order Raider - First Order Technician - First Order TIE Pilot - Vicrul DARTH KRAYT'S GALACTIC EMPIRE - Darth Krayt (Vong Armor) (Updated Model) - Imperial Officer - Morrigan Corde - Rav BOUNTY HUNTERS - Boba Fett (New Variant) - Boba Fett (Daimyo) (Updated model) - Cato Parasitti - Cradossk - Greef Karga - Hanharr - Jariah Syn - Jodo Kast - Skahtul - Skorr MANDALORIANS - Bo-Katan Kryze (New Variant) - Clan Chorn Mandalorian - Heavy Mandalorian - Khomo Fett - Tarre Vizsla - The Armorer - Torian Cadera MANDALORIAN NEO-CRUSADERS - Rohlan Dyre INDEPENDENT CRIMINALS - 8t88 - Brea & Senni Tonnika - Drexl Roosh - Enfys Nest - Gadon Thek - Hondo Ohnaka (Galaxy's Edge)(New Default Variant) - Krix - Rebolt - Syke - Terak - Vana Sage HUTT CARTEL - Geezum - Malakili - Max Rebo - Salacious Crumb - Saelt-Marae BLACK SUN - Guri (Dress) (New Variant) CRIMSON DAWN - Dryden Vos - Hylobon Enforcer - Shadow Collective Mandalorian ZANN CONSORTIUM - Defiler - MK II Droideka - Silri - Tyber Zann - Urai Fenn ETERNAL ALLIANCE - Jakarro - Kaliyo Djannis - Koth Vortena - Lana Beniko (Alliance Advisor) (New Variant) - Vette JEDI ORDER - Cal Kestis (Inquisitor) (New Variant) - Cal Kestis (Survivor) (New Variant) - Gungan Jedi Knight - Kazdan Paratus - Kento Marek SITH ORDER - Darth Caedus (Updated Model) - Githany NIGHTSISTERS - Charal - Gethzerion - Nightsister Master UNALIGNED FORCE USERS - Abeloth - Dagan Gera - Felucian Shaman - Kueller - Maris Brood CIVILIANS - Alderaan Scientist - Chiss Aristocrat - Devaronian (New Variant) - Gand (New Variant) - Ishi Tib - Kage - Kaleesh - Kaminoan - Muun - Nabrun Leids - Narkina V Prisoner - Nikto - Polis Massan EWOKS - Logray - Paploo Yuuzhan Vong - Vong Priestess INFINITIES - 3 new Operation: Knightfall characters - 2 new Team member characters - Anakin Skywalker (Redeemed) - Rebel Friend - Starkiller (Inquisitor) - Zeldrin OTHER ADDITIONS In addition to packaging up characters, we also have new things coming to Galactic Legacy! Below are a few of those things: - All versions of Starkiller and Ahsoka Tano will be given some very long-awaited backhand animations created by Katanamaru. - Characters with a saber-switching AI (Inquisitors and Cal Kestis) will now reflect the same saber color they were assigned if their assigned color wasn't their default And finally.... - CONTROLLER SUPPORT! Yes, we have finally added in Controller support! Please keep in mind that this will only be applied for ingame so all controls will need to be manually mapped. CONCLUSIONS We're getting very close to our release and we can't wait to bring it out. So sorry this has taken so long! Thank you for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you. Padawan1138, Lancelot and Circa like this Quote
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