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Progress Report: September 2022


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An interesting month, to say the least.



This month at last saw to the beginning of production for the long-awaited Father vs. Son remake. So far, progress has been relatively smooth, with a number of improvements made to allow for a much more authentic experience.

With the help of our mapper Lwkill, sound editor Commander Langz, and of course the Movie Battles II team, we have successfully begun the process of remaking the mission with a much higher standard of quality never before seen in any of our other missions.

For starters, thanks to the Movie Battles II team, we have been able to remake the mission on their map depicting the Emperor's Throne Room from Return of the Jedi. We are very grateful that they are allowing us to use their map for this mission and we cannot thank them enough.

Furthermore, our sound editor Commander LangZ has taken the time to use a 3rd party site to remove all background audio from the audio clips. This practice will be used in future missions (and re-iterating our previous ones) to get as clear a sound as possible without needing to rely on film rips with (possibly) overlapping music tracks or more in the background. Another user has already provided us with the audio used in all of our current missions, and we will be applying them soon.

You can view our first set of changes here:


Overall progress has reached the walkway cutscene (where Vader throws his lightsaber), and we suspect the rest of the mission shouldn't take too long to complete.





Introduced with Duel of the Fates back in our initial release in December 2020, we do have extended endings planned for all possible endings for Father vs. Son. However, this has forced us to make an important decision.

The original mission featured 7 possible endings, with 2 possible for Luke, 2 for Vader, and 3 for Palpatine. However, after much time contemplating, in order to reach the best quality we can, the number of possible endings will be reduced to 4 from the original 7, with an official Palpatine POV being scrapped (and instead being unlocked through one of Vader's endings).

We did this as we felt many of the intended endings would feel too similar to each other, and we wanted the freedom to tell a unique story for each character.



Unfortunately this was not a month without some degree of drama. After a lengthy discussion with the Knights of the Force 2.1 leadership, we have been asked to fully redesign a number of our menus, including (but not limited to):

- Character Selection
- NPC spawner
- Mission Selection

As of writing this article, Knights of the Force 2.1 has been re-uploaded to Moddb and Nexus Mods featuring all content developed by the Galactic Legacy team up until the split (which we didn't consent to). As Fire Phoenix has insisted on believing that our menus are direct copycats of his, we have been forced to take action.

Phoenix (as of writing this) has agreed to remove all of our content from KotF 2.1 provided we remake the aforementioned menus (and probably some others) from scratch, which we always intended to do so, but hoped to postpone. Regardless, we have already begun the process of remaking the Character selection menu, with the menu featuring a specific character already nearing completion.

Below is a current WIP screenshot of the new menu, we will show more as we continue to develop. As these changes are currently conditional of us completing our next update, we will not be able to continue work on anything else until the menus are remade (which is a good thing because we're currently awaiting new content for the Father vs. Son remake which will take its own time).



We're currently also going over some new characters for the mod (as we so often like to do). Below is a small list of some of the characters we should be introducing soon:

- Cato Parasitti
- Cydon Prax
- Dash Rendar
- Darth Chratis
- Resistance Trooper
- Githany
- Luke Skywalker (Heir to the Empire)

We will of course list more as new characters are added.


These menu overhauls are something we've been wanting to do for a very long time and we can't wait to show off more, this along with the Father vs. Son remake, and the next update should hopefully be a very exciting one.

We have a few other things on the backburner right now which I'm not comfortable to reveal at the moment, but as always you can reach us here and our Discord server and we'll be more than happy to answer your questions.

Thank you for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.

PierceDoughty and Circa like this

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