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Adding random stuff to the game and share your fails


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Forums not very active atm so I thought I'll start this 😄  (Hopefully this is the right section)

Although this is the OpenJK section your stuff doesn't have to be exclusively done with OpenJK i.e a stupid effect for a gun or whatever.

If you messed up and/or created something crazy or funny feel free to share it.

My first attempt at creating a kind of DBZ type blast like a powerball thing like a  kamehameha.  I kinda done it all in my head though, when I checked out a DBZ video they all seem to be blue lol.

Not mine just testing out a Fish Eye Lense ( alot better now)


This was me just trying replace the amprotect with a powerup effect from DBZ



Not quite sure what happened here. : D


This was an attempt at porting Vertex's Bespin map made for Unreal Engine 4 into JKA.  Never did get round to texturing it or doing the lighting.  It ran pretty well but as you could see there were some dips in the frame rate.

Adding a rear view mirror to JKA because..... why not! lol.

This was just adding EternalJK's Playernames to OpenJK but also showing HP 😛


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