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I need help creating a script.

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Hi, I ask for help, again, this time it is about creating a mission_failed script, but for it to be used, 3 npcs will be used first, which will have a target towards a target_counter of 3, and this as a response will run the mission_failed script. Similar to the elder mission in JKA in t2_rancor, but I have a theory that I can bypass the other part using target_counter. Does anyone know if there is a mission_failed specific script not counting Kyle's or Ross's? In case it doesn't exist, can you guide me to create one with those characteristics? I am new to scripts, so I am unfamiliar with both the concepts and how to make it as optimal as possible. I am waiting for your responses and thanks in advance.

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I think I don't explain it well, I will put it in the next file:

script 001

What I need to create is the script that says your allies have died, examples of this script exist as Kyle_died and Rosh_died, I just want to create a new one so as not to rewrite an already made one. I just don't know how to do it in the most optimal way. That is why I ask for help. In other words, the only thing I want to do is create the script, nothing more.

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There are two different methods for do that.


Method1:TargetCounter. the more easy.

1 - The NPCs that you need to protect should have as NPC_target the targetname value of the targetcounter. we will call it "failcounter"


NPC_target failcounter


2 -make a target_counter. it's targetname is failcounter.


count 3

target failrunner

3 - create a targetscriptrunner

targetname: failrunner

Usescript: mapname/failmission

4 - On Behaved use that:



build the map and the script.

got it! 😄








On 8/27/2021 at 3:09 AM, scp_chaos1 said:

I think I don't explain it well, I will put it in the next file:

script 001

What I need to create is the script that says your allies have died, examples of this script exist as Kyle_died and Rosh_died, I just want to create a new one so as not to rewrite an already made one. I just don't know how to do it in the most optimal way. That is why I ask for help. In other words, the only thing I want to do is create the script, nothing more.

Yes, that's the better way 🙂


Method2: behaved variables

another way is more complicated and require to declair a variable into icarus

declair "failedmission"

set failedmission, 0

when your NPC died, have as NPC_target failrunner

and they run directly the failrunner script instead of a target_counter

in that case the failrunner works like the t1_danger script that add ++1 on the failedmission variable value each time the script is runned. 

when you get 3 as value of your variable you run the  SET_MISSIONFAILED TOOMANYALLIEDDIED .

you can do that with an "if" field, exactly like t1_danger



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