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Dubby here!


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Hi everyone!

I'm Dubby and I've recently started playing JKA again. I'm studying game engineering so this time I decided to go into the source code and develop some mods that thought would be interesting for me and my friends. I would greatly appreciate any advice and information about OpenJK and the engine itself!

This is me and my dog:

Smoo likes this


What do you want to know exactly?

the code is release as GPL V2 LICENCE , is coded into c++ (single player ) and c (multiplayer).

on the source code of JKA, the code folder contain all stuff you need to work with SP, the codemp instead is the folder of multiplayer code.

CG files: client game: basically all these stuff affect the clients, so players. this kind of stuff can be "seen" only by player into game, but not by other entities.

G_ game files: global functions that code every aspect of JKA world

BG: both game and cgame files. basically player \ entity stuff that affect and interact with world. so movement, animations etc.

weapons files: contain all the stuff related to weapons. into MP, force powers are into w_force.c, inside SP, into WP_SABER, with saber combat code too.

Header files host the definitions of functions and their global parameters, cpp / cfiles, the programming and networking of every single function.

UI: user interface .

you can find some basic tutorial into tutorial section coding, i wrote some stuff about adding new saber colors, weapons and force powers on Single Player.

for other modding aspect, we are full of talented people, each one is specialized into various mod fields and have different skills! i am focused on single player and i see JK more as an engine that a simple game to mod. i not am excellent in any skill, but i know the basic of all things.


good luck! :D

PS: personally i prefear more cats respect of dogs, but nice dog ^_^



Odeyseis and Smoo like this
Posted (edited)

Hi and woah!

Thank you for explaining the basic abbreviations in the engine!
I have some experience with making my game engines from my study in c++ so I really just need some pointers (haha get it).

Currently I'm trying to lower the delay of the roll in multiplayer so you can jump as soon as your roll has ended and get some of the roll momentum in your jump, just for some more fun interactions in duels since rolling is more or less a death sentence right now.

Furthermore, I'm also looking into enhancing the spectator mode to allow for better tournament experiences!
Some features I currently have in mind are (unordered):
- Isolating dueling players like in ja+ when you start a duel (since we do our tournaments on FFA servers and other players tend to get in the spectator's way sometimes).
- Displaying the players' health when they're isolated (like in Tekken/Mortal Kombat etc...)
- Better controls for the spectator (controlling camera damp speed like in 3rd person mode, pressing forward/backward is aligned to the world Y axis instead of the camera view and using jump/crouch to move up/down)

Once I'm done with these goals and I've learned a bit more about the engine I'm willing to help out with improving other more general aspects of the engine (like adding fullscreen borderless option)!


Edited by Dubby
better phrasing of last sentence
Asgarath83, Smoo and Odeyseis like this
8 hours ago, Dubby said:

Hi and woah!

Thank you for explaining the basic abbreviations in the engine!
I have some experience with making my game engines from my study in c++ so I really just need some pointers (haha get it).

Currently I'm trying to lower the delay of the roll in multiplayer so you can jump as soon as your roll has ended and get some of the roll momentum in your jump, just for some more fun interactions in duels since rolling is more or less a death sentence right now.

Furthermore, I'm also looking into enhancing the spectator mode to allow for better tournament experiences!
Some features I currently have in mind are (unordered):
- Isolating dueling players like in ja+ when you start a duel (since we do our tournaments on FFA servers and other players tend to get in the spectator's way sometimes).
- Displaying the players' health when they're isolated (like in Tekken/Mortal Kombat etc...)
- Better controls for the spectator (controlling camera damp speed like in 3rd person mode, pressing forward/backward is aligned to the world Y axis instead of the camera view and using jump/crouch to move up/down)

Once I'm done with these goals and I've learned a bit more about the engine I'm willing to help out with improving other more general aspects of the engine (like adding fullscreen borderless option)!


Nice project! i not play much multiplayer, but if you want to learn about it. well the starrt point is openjk, that is the source jka code MP\SP cleaned by bug and improved by jkhub stuff. MP code mods interessing are: gunslinger academy of eezstreet, warzone of stoiss and uniqueone and jedi knight galaxy of eezstreet, futuza, ensiform and jkhub stuff.

yes, the continue rolling of Jedi are very frustrating and stupid on JKA, improving or removing it is better. on my SP i use ever norolls 1 into SAB file for deactivate this madness.

i love the idea of a dinamic camera like soul reaver 1 and soul reaver 2 game! is much more immersive for world exploaration! mmm but you should also get the default camera and make some hotkey for switch between 2 camera mod, cause with that kind of camera take aim for shoot with ranged weapon can be really difficult.


about me, i am a sci fi fantasy writer and i wanna to use JKA for make an indie game of my project. i guess i am starting to move many of hardcoded stuff to icarus for allow me to full customize weapons, force powers, add RPG levelling system, money, etc etc.

i also coded an incomplete dogfight code with 2 new AI that allow to play space battles like rogue squadron 3d and x wing allinace, but cause my heal is very weak i forced to left high school so i have not any vector math knowledge. when you will be more expert, can you get me an hand for end the star fighter code? i need to add rolling \ evasion manouvre of NPC, HUD system and alternate shoot cannon stuff or other things like that. i need also to set damabge from collision between fighter and brushes or between fighters and fighters (crash air accident lol !) at moment i have only basic crappy momevent and  shoot combat between fighters NPC and player. i am NOT using vehicles for that, i am using the code of Players and NPC itself so they can use muchmore weapon slots!




Dubby likes this
9 hours ago, Asgarath83 said:

Nice project! i not play much multiplayer, but if you want to learn about it. well the starrt point is openjk, that is the source jka code MP\SP cleaned by bug and improved by jkhub stuff. MP code mods interessing are: gunslinger academy of eezstreet, warzone of stoiss and uniqueone and jedi knight galaxy of eezstreet, futuza, ensiform and jkhub stuff.

yes, the continue rolling of Jedi are very frustrating and stupid on JKA, improving or removing it is better. on my SP i use ever norolls 1 into SAB file for deactivate this madness.

i love the idea of a dinamic camera like soul reaver 1 and soul reaver 2 game! is much more immersive for world exploaration! mmm but you should also get the default camera and make some hotkey for switch between 2 camera mod, cause with that kind of camera take aim for shoot with ranged weapon can be really difficult.


about me, i am a sci fi fantasy writer and i wanna to use JKA for make an indie game of my project. i guess i am starting to move many of hardcoded stuff to icarus for allow me to full customize weapons, force powers, add RPG levelling system, money, etc etc.

i also coded an incomplete dogfight code with 2 new AI that allow to play space battles like rogue squadron 3d and x wing allinace, but cause my heal is very weak i forced to left high school so i have not any vector math knowledge. when you will be more expert, can you get me an hand for end the star fighter code? i need to add rolling \ evasion manouvre of NPC, HUD system and alternate shoot cannon stuff or other things like that. i need also to set damabge from collision between fighter and brushes or between fighters and fighters (crash air accident lol !) at moment i have only basic crappy momevent and  shoot combat between fighters NPC and player. i am NOT using vehicles for that, i am using the code of Players and NPC itself so they can use muchmore weapon slots!




Sure, I would love to help you once I get the hang of the engine! I have some physics/vector math knowledge so if you have any questions regarding that feel free to pm me~

14 hours ago, Dubby said:

Sure, I would love to help you once I get the hang of the engine! I have some physics/vector math knowledge so if you have any questions regarding that feel free to pm me~

You will find me on discord, i guess. see ya! :) into the time, i am writing an code way for move all hardcoded stuff to icarus :D


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