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AoS | Academy of Skill


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Academy of Skill

We are a Spanish clan that has been around since 2013 in JKA, with ups and downs. We are fully operational once again and we are working towards expanding our userbase.
We currently have 10/11 players daily, and we count with mappers and modders.
We do sabering, Full Force, and even some RP (We are expanding the available emotes).

We also take part in CTFs/TFFAs and internal tournaments, and also do joint activities with other clans such as JAWA with whom we have TFFA'd a lot.
In case you are interested, we also have a custom map for events. (Usually, we rotate with FFA maps.)

IP Address:
ClanMap: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2689-aos-temple/

MagSul and Smoo like this

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!


Your clan map looks pretty cool. Can you clarify what kind of server you run? Is it JA+?


We run ClanMod, but I am maintaining it. We wanted to run JA++, since I can't get it to build correctly and asked but no solution, and we wanted to use something we can edit.


Adding emotes / fixing admin cmds / Improving stuff and fixed some crashes

MagSul, Circa and Smoo like this

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

We have updated our rank system.


AoS now has three rank branches, being Rogue the new one for those bored of having to choose between the usual Jedi and Sith.

Now our members can also rank-up by challenging other members to a race to 5 (10 for elite ranks), making contributions to the clan, winning clan tournaments, among many others.

Once in the elite ranks you can focus on Force, Saber (or both), and get exclusive prizes that will remain a secret for now  ;)


Updated discord link: https://discord.gg/TQdxHtx

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