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MP mode in the style of 'Star Wars: Demolition'

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Many years ago, I've rented Star Wars: Demolition for the PlayStation, which is nothing more than a tournament game. It was not that perfect, but somehow awesome and unique.

You've got several vehicles to choose from, like the Landspeeder, AT-ST, Speederbike, a Snowspeeder and Boba Fett.


Although this video shows the Dreamcast version, it's exactly the same as the PlayStation version.



I thought that this could be a good MP mode. We have many ground vehicles that could be used and modified to be similar to this game.

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Can't watch the video off the ipad, but i'm getting a feeling it's one of those demolition derby games set in SW? If so, i can't exactly imagine how an at-st could match up to any kind of speeder. On the other hand, it'd be funny to football-kick boba fett :lol:

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