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Uh, is this thing on? :P

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Hello everyone! I am RepJunkieJr, a freelance gamer and aspiring modder/Foley artist, although I go by "BowtiesAreCool" on this site. I'm one of the younger followers of JK3, if that's a thing, but anyways, I'm looking forward to having fun not only on JK3, but here as well.


P.S.: I know, there's always a PS, but is there anyone out there who's good with modeling that could give me a small hand here? I put together some sounds for a Sam Fisher playermodel, but the problem is, I couldn't use Blender to save my life, and I'd rather not use the mrwonko Sam Fisher. I have no method of payment, other than I'll owe you a favor :P. If anyone could magic up a Sam Fisher player model for me, you would have my eternal gratitude.


P.P.S: Sorry for using my introduction to call for help. It's a low blow, I know...



EDIT: I'm open for responses anytime...

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