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Sith Assassin Blade

   (9 reviews)

3 Screenshots

About This File

Hey folks , I love assassins creed and star wars , so I asked : what happens if I mix both up ? this is the result =D


While I dont think this weapon will really be usefull for combat , without new animations , I can imagine some of you RP'ers will be able to use it


the saber is simply named "Assassin" it strangely appears at the bototm of the saber list for me so make sure to check the entire hilt list . I know that there are some sclaing issues and some clipping but it's pretty hard to avoid hat because all models are different. Oh and also : This weapon doesnt work (correctly) with JK2 playermodels !


if you want to use it to slaughter some Cultists in singleplayer do this :

  1. open up the console and type :
  2. helpusobi 1 (or devmap all)
  3. then type :
  4. saber Assassin
  5. and if you want to dual wield this weapon type :
  6. saber Assassin Assassin

I think that's it people and now have fun at stabbing your friends ;D

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