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ForceMod 3 Advanced Version 4

   (3 reviews)

10 Screenshots

About This File

Submitted by: By The Kid!?

Original Creator: OGOO7J1 (formerly known as Pitchest Heart)

FM3Av4 is finally released!


-  Music can be accessed on any map using the in game "MUSIC" menu located in the options bar. 

-  You can access a selection of various crosshairs in the main menu after choosing a saber in profile or in the "AIMING" menu while in a game.

-  While in a game you can access the "VIEWS" menu to adjust various aspects of the camera's position in relation to your character.

-  A seperate config for each class can be created and saved from the "CONFIGS" menu.

-  Some extra features can be bound to keys via the "XBINDS" menu including a 4th person view, zoom in and out, a demo recorder and hotkeys for inventory items.

-  New title menu video.


- Each faction has a specific HUD symbol.

-  Each model icon has been given a mark in its lower left-hand side to denote that particular model's size. The sizes range from tiny to extra large (T,S,M,L,XL). The sizes have also been divided up in such a way as to help balance certain classes.

-  All models have had their standard annoying jumping grunt sounds removed leaving only the sound of the feet tapping the ground as they jump.


-  Ancient Ones and Dark Ssges have been given the ability to shape shift having access to all models in the game (except Droideka).


-  Blue saber style: This style now has manual blocking on diagnol_back attacks as well as side to side auto-combos and an improved forward attack.

-  Green saber style: This style has been altered so it no longer dominates the others. While powerful, it has far less range.

-  Orange saber style: Side to side attacks slowed for balance

-  White saber style: Standing kata replaced in favor of one that leaves the user less vulnerable as well as fixing an animation bug seen in all versions of FM3.

-  Vong: Super high parry removed to better match the updated saber forms. Crouching kata replaced with the "Death Pounce".

-  Tusken: New crouching kata.

-  Noghri: New standing kata which fixes an animation glitch.

-  Cursed weapons and alternate multibladed weapons available for saber users.

-  Royal Guards only have blue with glitched styles removed.

-  Vong staff: Damage, parry, knockback, and hitbox values have been increased and range decreased to appear more realistic to the actual appearance of the weapon. The can do a standing and crouching katas as well as walk along walls. Vong are the only class to be given mega strength able to kill almost any targets in 1 hit as well as knocking targets back an incredible distance.

-  Tusken and Noghri weapons: Damage, parry and hitbox values have been increased as well as added standing and crouching katas.

-  Fletchett has better looking explosions.

-  Rockets have been better smoke trails.

-  DEMPs primary fire is better looking.

-  Thermal dets emit a cool looking shockwave after they explode.


- There are a huge variety of bots that randomize when the maps switch using the server file. They are quite a challenge even to experienced players.


- Heallth increased to survive 1 saber throw. Shields set only to 100 because of thier hard coded , fast auto-regen.


-The Kid!? and OGOO7J1

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

The Kid!?, yeyo JK and DarthValeria like this

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I love this mod, random glitches such as AI teamates still attack even though they are on my team.  Other is droideka gets stuck at the moment you spawn.   Fun mod! 



How to add custom models to class system please ?



The developer has a good taste in style! you got new game modes best mod on jkhub im a bot beep blot blurp bloo----Robot     ps the birds are all cameras  best mod on jkhub thanks for creating this develabier

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