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InventoryFix in JKA

   (2 reviews)

7 Screenshots

About This File

*Title : InventoryFix in JKA
*Author(s): syainkn
*Date of Release: 12/12/2019
*Email Address: syainkn2000@naver.com

*DESCRIPTION: This is recovery patch of inventory system in JKA.
When I read the tutorial in Jkhub Forum, I felt that I can restore an inventory that creators of JKA crippled on purpose.
Maybe they regard that an inventory system is not needed in JKA because jaden can heal himself by force healing and medpaks prepared around him.
So he doesn't need bacta. Because healing means are enough. But in my point of view, it's not interesting. So I made this.

-You can use bacta canister with new model. In the canister, blue liquid fluctuates and many bubbles go up. It looks more beautiful !
-I recovered vision of night goggles. But you need to install openjk to use it.
-I recovered item icon of battery.

Open console by pressing 'Shift + ~'
And type this

give item_<item name>


spawn item_<item name>

item list:
---usable inventory---












1. Place inventory_Fix.pk3 file in your base folder.

2. Write these codes in your jaconfig.cfg or openjk_sp.cfg.
★『openjk_sp.cfg』 file is in user\My Documents\My Games\OpenJK\base.

bind <key> "use_bacta"
→ make you use bacta canister. This is familiar with you in JKO.

bind <key> "invprev"
→ scroll inventory to select previous item.

bind <key> "invnext"
→ scroll inventory to select next item.

bind <key> "invuse"
→ use selected item of inventory. But you cannot use bacta by this key.


* Copyright / Permissions *

**from PK_Azlon
She is author of liquid and bubble textures. I asked for a permission to use them and she allowed me to do it.
Evidence of allowance is in zip file. 【texture_permission_1.png】 and 【texture_permission_2.png】 is evidence.
She said "Go for it". I cannot understand for a while, but after thinking, I could recongize that this is approval.

**from Raven(JKO stuff)

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

TempestRevan and Maksman like this

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Excellent Work!

It have always bothered me that JA don't use the JO inventory. So I have fixed it by myself with the old stuff from Raven but I haven't uploaded it, don't ask me why.

Your version is almost identical to mine besides the new bacta textures, which means great work! It would be great, if someone could add a selection menu for it like for the weapons in the base game. If I only knew how to do this, I could do this myself...

Anyways, thank you for making and not being lazy like me and eventually uploading your file

syainkn likes this

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Great start man. Been hoping for someone to implement what they had in JK2 for JKA for a long time. Would be great if there was some day to start the game with these features enabled without having to use codes. What about the auto-turrets, can you deploy those in SP missions?

Response from the author:

Turret works fine without this mod in JkA. What you have to do is just using turret item in inventory. Then it will work automatically.

syainkn likes this
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