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Arth's personal skin v.1.0

   (6 reviews)

4 Screenshots

About This File

I want to finally share my first attempt at making player models for Jedi Academy.
This is my custom model I made for myself to use in JKA as a personal skin.


I always disliked the fact that male Zabrak is missing from JKA character creation, so I had to make my own. (Well, sort of.)
I took Sith Eradicator model by RevanKnight, because I loved the looks of it, threw some less Sithy colours on it and replaced the head with DT's Savage Opress' head, from which I removed the tatoos and replaced with my own.
Then I applied some overly flashy shaders to draw attention away from the atrocious clipping and shading errors and voila!


I wanted to go with more movie-accurate Zabrak depiction, but I only had Clone Wars bros and KotOR's Bao Dur's (which I didn't like) heads to choose from. On the other hand, exaggerated, beastly look they gave them in the cartoon has something to it.


Problems/Plans for future updates:
-Some clipping of robe sleeves and shoulder guards
-Huge quality loss on TGA icon(portrait) on scaling
-Weird shading on the torso and head caused by vertex normals broken on blender export
-Adding team skins


Thanks to ooeJack, Unbekannter, Polonius, JKhub and all the people who helped me taking my first steps in skinning.



This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

User Feedback

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It's really cool to see more Zabrak skins :D



Looks great, dude. Well done. :)



I give a full 5 for the awesome hard work you put into this. Well done. :D



Looks great!  I'm giving this a download.



Thanks guys! :)


Some people told me they got problems with my skin. They appear to crash randomly.

Thing is that it work perfectly for me, and it seems it happens only on baseJKA. I can't even test it because something is wrong with my Wine configuration and I can't run JAMP.exe on Linux.


I'm willing to fix it, so if anyone will experience any problems it would be appreciated to get any error messages and ideas on what might be wrong. I tried removing different features that I suspected might have been causing problems, but nothing worked. I'm completely clueless now.


Thanks for the warm welcome and support.




ooeJack, BenSolo and exarsenpai12 like this


Great skin!!!! Hey Arth,maybe you would allow me to edit the textures of this? Only for personal use

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