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Original Trilogy Lightsaber Blades HD 1.01

   (7 reviews)

12 Screenshots

About This File

If you are like me and you want your lightsaber blades to look more like beams of energy like how they appeared in the original trilogy, instead of the flat and dull looking ones you see from most "Star Wars" sources today, then this just might make a fine addition to your JK2 and JKA experience!


Original Trilogy styled lightsaber blades, using both the Pre-2004 and "Despecialized Edition Star Wars Trilogy" as reference (reason being the new editions messed up the colors and overall effects of the blades, see here for example http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/doubleofive/ILMfixsaber.jpg ).


Mod Name: Original Trilogy Lightsaber Blades


Author: Omega1


Installation: Copy "OT Saber Blades.pk3" OR "OT Saber Blades HD" over to your "Jedi Academy\GameData\base" Folder.


You can get the "Original Trilogy Lightsaber Trails" Here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2533-original-trilogy-lightsaber-trails/

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

What's New in Version 1.01


  • Update 1.01: Added a HD version which reduces the glow pixelation.

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That being said i really like what you've done with them =)



The default blades were pretty darn close to how they were in ROTJ already. The blades are different in every film, to be fair.

GamerRedNeck likes this


I kind of prefer the pointy sword tips but these blades are good too.

Omega1 likes this


Indeed it takes about 60 seconds to trim/round out the bottoms which is why i disregarded it, but like i said i'll take your word for it so no big deal. Apparently we just ended up with almost the exact same top shape/thickness haha. Nice flare btw as well, i spent way to much time OCD'ing over trying to make one just right before i ended up with my last one. Still fighting with trying to get the perfect trail..



Indeed it takes about 60 seconds to trim/round out the bottoms which is why i disregarded it, but like i said i'll take your word for it so no big deal. Apparently we just ended up with almost the exact same top shape/thickness haha. Nice flare btw as well, i spent way to much time OCD'ing over trying to make one just right before i ended up with my last one. Still fighting with trying to get the perfect trail..


I assure you, getting the curves on the top and bottom just right by my liking took more than 60 seconds!


I am (was) currently using "Movie Blur Trails" created by "0bl1v10n", I am not sure if you can get it any more as it was posted on the now defunct jk2files.com. However I am thinking about creating my own too which is more curvier and suited to the energy glow of the Original Trilogy blades.


Edit: I just spent the last few hours creating a new Lightsaber trail effect for the Original Trilogy Lightsaber Blades mod, will be uploading it shortly (I will also include the source photoshop file, in case there's any more false accusation of stealing/editing someone elses work).



Does this work with Mr.zz's texture overhaul?



How'd you get first person lightsabers?

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