"Greetings, exalted ones"
Im back again with another poorly made kitbash mod. This time, The Son of Han and Leia(Legend/EU), Darth Caedus. The kitbash is based on the 2 Fan Film so it alot different than online image you may find
And yea, the second skin kinda rushed so it look like shit
No one handed either since there no animation for it but i will try make one, no promising it look good though
-Singleplayer/Menu Support:
-Lightsaber Included:
-Bot/Team Skins:
Playermodel/NPC Spawn:
Known Bugs:
-Clipping in some animations
-Background noise sounds
-Seven: Jedi X2
-Hapslash: Anakin(Head)
-Toshi: Anakin(Robe), Vader
-Toshi, LucasArts,GP Channel: ROTJ Luke
-DT, Toshi, Hapslash, Raven: TESB Luke
-Scerendo: Tarkin
-Plasma: Lightsaber Texture
-Legacy Of The Force Fan Film: Voice Sound
-Brawl(Me): Armor/Lightsaber Mesh, Kitbash Setup