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PierceDoughty liked a file: Z-3R0 - Mega Man Zero
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DarthValeria liked a file: Z-3R0 - Mega Man Zero
Woooo, first upload! It's also my birthday! (submitted for upload on the 11th of Feb) This iz Z-3R0.... Actually it's Mega Man Zero, and I aimed to give him a Star Wars twist! This is a single-player focused mod --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I guess it's worth posting a little bit about myself, for context. I have always loved robots and robot characters. I threw this project together relatively quickly (in fact I taught myself Blender just last month for this), but the idea for "Z-3R0" has been a long time coming. It's the culmination of a lot of ideas. Most recently, there was the 2021 Star Wars Visions animated short "T0-B1" which was a 20 minute twist on Astro Boy in the Star Wars universe by animation studio Science Saru. It's a great little short. The idea of a droid Jedi was interesting to me. There are tons of "Pinocchio" stories about robots wanting to become human, but a story of a robot wanting to become a Jedi, in a lot of ways an ultimate symbol for self actualization, .... that was really fascinating to me. I honestly don't think I've seen something like that before. Wanting to be human is one thing. A robot wanting to be the best a human can be? A luminous being? That's an original idea. I've also been pretty fascinated with Ridley Scott's robots. His Replicants in Bladerunner, and David in Prometheus and Alien: Covenant. Those latter two are flawed movies, sure, but Fassbender really knocked it out of the park in both films. Anyway, there was this excellent promotional video for Alien: Covenant called "Meet Walter", which is like this luxury car commercial advertising "Walter" the android. It's a vaguely terrifying advertisement for a servant robot, who we know from the films is .... unpredictable. I enjoy that idea of something like a sleazy luxury car commercial for a robot, who has an unpredictable violent energy. In thinking about how to put a Star Wars twist on Mega Man Zero, the idea of "Z-3R0" as a glitzy gold-plated luxury product seemed like a natural fit. Zero is a really strange character outside of his own context, maybe he's even strange in context: androgynous, long hair, looks like some kind of rockstar more than a robot, so I think he deserves an ostentatious angle if he's going to be re-interpreted as a Star Wars character. Also David Bowie. I've been listening to a lot of David Bowie. --------------------------------------------------------- This mod includes 4 .pk3 files 1. a Mega Man Zero model which is "low quality". This is the only file you need, the rest is optional. The "low quality" model is set up for single player, you can select him from the start menu, and it has an .npc file 2. a "high quality" version of the model. this also has an .npc file 3. a replacer file, which will overwrite the player model with the high quality Zero model in cutscenes. Place both the HQ model and the cutscene replacer file in the base folder for it to work. This will overwrite Jaden with high quality Zero in cutscenes regardless of whether you are using the model for gameplay, so simply remove this file if you want a Jaden other than Zero in cutscenes. 4. a replacer file, which will overwrite Lannik Racto and his Assassin Droids with Z-3R0 models. Lannik Racto is shown in the screenshots. His droids are like the default Z-3R0 model, but with blue and white armor instead. Detailed installation instructions are included in the readme. This model is a kitbash Credits to the following modders: KhorneSyrup - Imperial Scout Trooper - https://jkhub.org/files/file/3671-imperial-scout-trooper/ Rmvsallen - Battle Droid Ultimate Mod - https://jkhub.org/files/file/3772-battle-droid-ultimate-mod/ ZanderNao - S0 Series Slicing Droid 1 - https://jkhub.org/files/file/4091-s0-series-slicing-droid/ Tryforce - Riku - https://jkhub.org/files/file/496-riku/ Jeff - Rebel Pilot 1.1 - https://jkhub.org/files/file/4095-updated-rebel-pilot/ Psyk0Sith - EG-5 Jedi Hunter Droid - https://jkhub.org/files/file/2763-eg-5-jedi-hunter-droid/ Inyri - Geth Trooper - https://jkhub.org/files/file/1296-geth-trooper/ Zahar - Female Jedi Robe - https://jkhub.org/files/file/3831-female-jedi-robe/ GPChannel - TFA Conversion Mod: Luke Skywalker (Default) 1.0 - https://jkhub.org/files/file/3383-tfa-conversion-mod-luke-skywalker-default/ Hope you enjoy! Making this model had me wanting to tear my hair out at points, I think I made almost every possible beginner mistake while learning Blender, and there is a lot about this project that is a total mess under the hood, but it werks. Feels good to have it finished for now. Really I want/need to stop working on it. If there is demand, I'll make an update: I don't play JKA multiplayer, but I know I could set the model up for multiplayer. Model could be further optimized. I even might want to eventually do a version 2 of this, which has completely original meshes and textures instead of being a kitbash, but for now I'm done. Have fun! -
Z-3R0 - A new Statement in Luxury Robotics
Double_Zecha replied to Double_Zecha's topic in WIPs, Teasers & Releases
A progress update I've made some improvements to the model: first of all, with textures and shaders. The model now has 9 different animated surfaces. Light's pulsate up Zero's spine, the protocol droid-y panel on his back has blinking LED lights, his eyes glow and flicker, and there are constantly pumping pistons on his inner arm and leg bones. As I mentioned in the original post, the model was at over 14,000 vertices. and would tend to crash the game by going over the "gl2 mine heap size" I attempted to optimize the model. As I'm both new at Blender and limited in how much I can put into this project at the moment, I consider the optimization to be rough, and not really up to my personal standards for quality. I managed to get the model down to something like 8,000 vertices, by heavily using the Decimate modifier and adjusting stuff manually where I thought I should. It looks ok, but there are basically a lot of small holes in the model created by the decimate tool, which are visible up close. I don't have it in me to try and fix them all. However, it looks ok at a distance, and plays a lot better in single player against complex character models from other mods. When I release the model, I plan to release both the original HQ version and the optimized version. Personally, I plan to use the HQ version for cutscenes, and the optimized version for gameplay. I'll include both files as stand alones, and make a replacer PK3 to make it easy to drag and drop if others want to do that cutscene/in-game dichotomy setup. I am happy enough with the model to say I will be able to release it Soon™ I know I want to do some final weight painting touch ups and some minor detail work, but it's almost ready. Shooting for upload early next week. -
Droidy365 liked a post in a topic: Z-3R0 - A new Statement in Luxury Robotics
krkarr liked a post in a topic: Z-3R0 - A new Statement in Luxury Robotics
Meet Z-3R0 A collaboration between Baktoid and LeisureMecha Enterprises Partly Droid, Partly Real Z-3R0 boasts a streamlined combat endoskeleton coated in a transluscent warm jelly, caressed by a reinforced plasteel mesh, giving clear view of the power of the machine A Thinking Machine Z-3R0 is created to serve and will go beyond its program to thrill you Consciously Engineered Z-3R0 is designed for your best lifestyle: the tradition of Baktoid combat engineering and LeisureMecha elegance A machine with a Pulse
He's in Edit: Update with a few new images. Deleted some previous wip pics. Finally got Zero's helmet textured. Went with a marble texture for the white pieces of his armor, including the bone structure, and made the gold bits shiny: I guess my headcannon is that this is a very high-end security droid marketed to wealthy clientele. Still have some work on the textures, but am nearing wrapping up with that, putting on final touches. Also attempted some facial sculpting. He looks uncanny and androgynous, which is something I'm going for, but I was using a female Jedi head model for his face previously. It's been tweaked to make his face slightly more masculine.
Double_Zecha liked a post in a topic: Blender - Mega Man Droid project - So close and yet so far (update 30/1/2025)
hahaha yea, I don't think that actually was the error, but reading the manual and believing that that might have been the problem put me on the track to finding the piece that was causing the export error, even if I was wrong about what was actually causing the problem (and still don't know what the issue really was). I'm just happy the model is close to being finished. If it's not obvious I'm more of an art guy than a technical guy. Anyway, I'm encountering a new error. I was able to get the model exported, textured with temporary textures, and zip it up into a .pk3 for testing. I booted up a level, and got a "models/players/zero/model.glm has more than 1000 verts on a surface (1981)" error. However, I know every mesh in my model has less than 1000 verts. What does this error mean exactly? How to fix it? ...i'm so close to the finish line. I'll be so happy when this project is finished edit: something to note, I only have textures and no shader file. I'm using several textures from the model I kitbashed. Looking for stuff on google I'm wondering if setting shaders up properly would solve the issue? or is it something I have to fix in Blender... edit 2: found this forum post https://jkhub.org/forums/topic/11285-blender-verticle-problem-for-jedi-academy-modview/ which I guess answers my question. Fortunately, only a few objects seem to have over 500 vertices. One of them should be ok to decimate, and the other was made up of a few objects which I mesh joined. Some of those vertices should be ok to just delete, they're not necessary. So much friction making this model
Just a quick update on the project: Spent some time confused about weighting, but yesterday I found this tutorial https://youtu.be/2VsQcImIQdc?feature=shared Which was quite helpful to see someone weighting specifically for Jedi Academy. I've managed to manually weight everything in a way that looks satisfactory in Blender's pose mode. I also managed to resolve the python traceback error. After looking in the manual for the Importer/Exporter add on, I realized it might have something to do with my having joined a few meshes early on while I was modelling, resulting in a few vertices referencing more than 4 bones. In hindsight I'm not sure I believe this actually was the cause of the error, (the pieces I deleted that made the model export only referenced 1 bone each) but it made me trace back my steps and delete each piece I had joined, resulting in me finally figuring out the parts that were causing the problem. They were simple pieces, the thigh pouches, so I was able to quickly remake them, set them up properly. The model will now export. Now to paint textures, and teach myself how to get it set up for easy install.
Hmm. I see. I guess since I think the problem is down to me weighting things improperly, (I was able to export the .glm after automatically weighting everything, although it broke the hierarchy structure) I'm going to sit down and learn weighting. If, even after being sure I've done the weighting properly it still doesn't export, I'll figure out a way to get the file to you. I don't have a Google Drive set up but that might be an option.
I'd be happy to send you the .blend file but I'm not sure of a good way to send it. Do you know of a good way we can trade files? I just looked into Dropbox but it wanted me to sign up for a 30 day trial and I'm not sure I want to deal with that. Also I realized at some point after my last post I actually probably wasn't weighting anything correctly. I had found this post and was using it as a guideline ... but I was going about weighting by selecting all vertices in a piece and assigning weight to every vertex group. I'm a little lost on how to weight things properly
Ok, awesome! I copied my caps from another model, resizing them to my own model's parts in order to keep the proper formatting. I'm sure I'll be able to make the caps work with the transparency somehow. User NumberWan made a 2-1B medical droid. I also checked my model vertices against an Episode 7 stormtrooper and they have about the same vertex count. I'm at a point in my project where I can show off my work These are temporary solid color textures just to show off basic color contrast. The black parts are going to be a dark purple color and slightly transparent, and you can see what the robotic skeleton will look like. I'll be drawing new textures once the model geometry is finished. Aiming for a Star Wars interpretation of Mega Man Zero, where he looks like Zero at a glance, but looking at the details he should look like a droid that would fit into Star Wars nicely. Shooting for some of Star Wars' design language. Model was kitbashed from several other models, and has some original geometry. I'll be sure to credit everyone when its ready ... Now, I'm having trouble exporting the model though. When I go to do so I get an error I can't interpret (see pic) (google also isn't very helpful for this error) It says something about weight. I sat down and started going through every model piece to check that it was attached to the proper bones and had weight assigned, and every part seems to have weight (unless I missed some, which is possible. I did this tired). Most parts seemed like they were already attached to proper bones and weighted properly given that the model is a kitbash. Anyway in my frustration with going through each piece individually I looked at some tutorials and figured out how to "weight everything automatically" which worked, in the sense that it allowed me to export the .glm, but I realized it changed the hierarchy structure, parenting everything to the skeleton. So that .glm probably won't work. Any ideas?
Hi MrWonko, Yes that was the solution. Thanks for your tutorials btw, they've been a big help. I've gotten deep into modelling and I have some specific questions for a project I'm working on. I'll go ahead and post them here, but should I make a new topic instead? - Is there a maximum number of vertices a character can have in total? I've found out about the 1000 vertex limit on individual meshes, and my model has about 16,000 vertices total rn, divided between 48 object meshes. Googling hasn't gotten me an answer. - I'm making a robot character with some transparent elements. I plan to make the upper arms, torso, hips, and upper leg pieces translucent, so you can see the robot internals underneath. Attached pic is a reference for what I'm making. Are caps visible at all times within the model, meaning you'd be able to see them inside the translucent parts? If it's better for me to make a new topic I'll go ahead and do so, but I don't want to spam.
Hello there! If you didn't catch this post before this most recent edit, I was having some real trouble with Blender, but was able to identify and solve the problem with help (see below). However, as I've been working on my project, new problems have been cropping up. I'm going to just use this post to attach any questions I have as they crop up. Here is some of the original issue: